本教程是关于GameMaker Studio像素风格动作冒险游戏完整制作流程视频教程,11小时,大小:5.2 GB,附源文件,教程使用软件:GameMaker Studio 2,作者:Peter Morgan,共89个章节,语言:英语。RRCG分享
YoYo Games宣布向开发者推出新版的GameMaker:Studio商业软件,使得这款最初在1999年发布的简单游戏开发工具老树发新芽。YoYo Games称 GameMaker:Studio整合了拖放界面,支持HTML5、Facebook、Android、iOS、Symbian、Windwos和OS X等平台,以向GameMaker社区开发者提供全新的功能与性能。这款工具之前只是在独立开发者和游戏教育者圈子里流行,不过,作为一个跨平台工具,在新改进后,有望能吸引更多的开发工作室。该公司希望能利用网络、社交和移动游戏的爆发,让开发能一次性地为游戏制作出多个流行平台版本,而不必让成本成倍的增长。YoYo Games估计这款软能让在移动平台上的游戏发行成本控制在1万美元以下,而开发一款社交游戏的成本则控制在5万美元以内。目前,这个工具的下载量超过了1000万次,开发者超过50万。在过去一个月里,这款软件经历了7000多次测试的严格考验,其中即有业余游戏开发者,也有专业的游戏开发者。
Learn the basics to build fun and creative platform games, including tricks to add polished and professional features.
What you’ll learn
You will develop a robust platform engine that you can use for future games you make.
You will learn how to do fast tile based collisions, and have the skills to incorporate it into your own games.
You will learn how to implement a customizable lighting system that any object in the game can use.
You will learn how to build custom particles that interact with the environment.
You will learn how to build a Finite State Machine, and use it to efficiently control your player and enemies.
You will learn how to implement wave based attacks, player traps, cameras, fade transitions, highscore saving, custom tooltips, screenshake and more.
Gamemaker Studio 2 Full or Trial version
PC or Mac capable of running Gamemaker Studio 2