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本教程是关于Dimension产品模型3D设计大师班视频教程,时长:2小时,大小:1.4 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Adobe Dimension,共17个章节,作者:SkillsPack,语言:英语。RRCG分享
Dimension CC是Adobe公司推出的一款产品交互工具,这是一套专门用于产品展示、设计的商业产品,他有着最先进的2D到3D合成工具,能够结合正确合适的灯光、景深、材质以及其他特性,让图形设计者在上面构建高质量、逼真的3D图像、2D/3D组合构建产品镜头以及可视化场景,并且能快速应用到实例当中,比如在袋子上贴个logo、在杯子上写点文案之类的活就可以通过此软件快速完成。该工具对图形设计者来说意义非凡,但需要注意的是仅支持Win10平台。
Adobe Dimensions与一般的3D绘图软件相较之下,在操作界面在功能上有点不大相同,不过却能与大名鼎鼎的Adobe Photoshop以及Illustrator等软件紧密的结合起来,让你快捷、方便的将2D图形转换成为3D的物件。Adobe Dimensions是由Adobe发展出来与Photoshop以及Illustrator相搭配的3D绘图软件,不见得需要你对3D有熟练的操作,只要会将2D绘图模式掌握的相当好,就可以由Adobe Dimensions的协助来完成制作3D的立体影像。
Master Adobe Dimension and Learn How to Make Carreer in Freelancing in Design!
What you’ll learn
This course is suited for people that don’t have any experience with Adobe Dimension. We start right at the beginning.
Understand all Dimension CC basics and go beyond
Basics to Mastery with Highly Interactive Videos
Create 3D designs such as Mockups and Products
Brand visualizations
Packaging designs
Master Interesting Projects
Take your designs further in XD and InDesign etc
Create high-quality images and 3D interactive content from a single Dimension file
Bookmark and render different perspectives without having to change your work.
Take your concepts to 3D in just a few steps.
You can focus on bringing your creative vision to life
Create photorealistic images with depth, texture and the right lighting
Composite 2D designs from Photoshop and Illustrator and materials from Substance
Import models from Adobe Stock
Create real-life image in real time
Easy to build brand visualisations, product mockups
Create packaging designs, spatial designs and other creative work
Publish and share 360-degree views of your work via the web
Use your 3D designs for immersive AR experiences in Adobe Aero
Internet Connection and PC
You must download Adobe Dimension CC