本合辑是关于动物毛皮皮草艺术特效PSDPS动作样式合集,大小:190 MB,格式:PSD, ASL, ATN, ABR,建议使用最新版本PS软件打开,人人素材分享。
Adobe Photoshop,简称“PS”,是由Adobe Systems开发和发行的图像处理软件,主要处理以像素所构成的数字图像。使用其众多的编修与绘图工具,可以有效地进行图片编辑工作。ps有很多功能,在图像、图形、文字、视频、出版等各方面都有涉及。
Adobe Lightroom是一款以后期制作为重点的图形工具,Adobe的目标是将其打造成未来数字图形处理的标准,Lightroom的界面和功能与苹果推出的 Aperture颇为相似,主要面向数码摄影、图形设计等专业人士和高端用户,支持各种RAW图像,主要用于数码相片的浏览、编辑、整理、打印等.
I present to you a whole fur toolkit. With it, you can easily create a variety of fur styles.
The collection includes the most fashionable and elite animal furs. As well as a fantastic gold and silver fur. You just need to install all the components in your Photoshop following the instructions.
All styles are 300 DPI and are suitable for printing, publishing and screen resolution.
It works with text and graphics. But keep in mind that the fur is fluffy and the image should not be small or have many small details. You can also use brushes separately and add fun fur elements on the fur layer. Create a logo, lettering, greeting cards, web and print design, business card or invitation, images and so much more. Experiment with color and these styles in your creative projects!