本视频教程是由CMIVFX机构出品的Nuke大师级影视特效实例训练视频教程,时长:4小时04分,大小:9.9 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:NUKE,作者:Abhimanyu Tanwar,语言:英语。
当今大型电影绝伦的特效,不禁让人要惊叹其合成的逼真与强大!NUKE曾被用在Digital Domain所制作的很多电影和商业片中。NUKE 是由The Foundry公司研发的一数码节点式合成软件。已经过10年的历练,曾获得学院奖(Academy Award)。为艺术家们提供了创造具有高质素的相片效果的图像的方法。NUKE无需专门的硬件平台,但却能为艺术家提供组合和操作扫描的照片,视频板以及计算机生成的图像的灵活、有效、节约和全功能的工具。在数码领域,NUKE已被用于近百部影片和数以百计的商业和音乐电视,NUKE具有先进的将最终视觉效果与电影电视的其余部分无缝结合的能力,无论所需应用的视觉效果是什么风格或者有多复杂。Nuke合成软件参与制作的著名影视有:《后天》、《机械公敌》、《极限特工》、《泰坦尼克号》、《阿波罗13》、《真实的谎言》、《X战警》、《金刚》等。
CARA VR是一个配合NUKE使用的VR插件,用于拼接、检查全景图像等工作。专门用于加快VR镜头拼接和编辑的繁琐流程,想为优质沉浸式内容创作腾出时间。
CARA VR提供的完整功能如下:无缝拼接相机矩阵拍摄的单声道或立体声VR内容;自动调整曝光和白平衡;拼接时或拼接后稳定画面;将NUKE的合成工具包(包括笔刷、羽化和追踪器)直接用于360度画面;最后用户还能直接在Oculus Rift和HTC Vive上检查工作。
MPC的3D负责人Jason Schugardt表示:“CARA VR令人激动,因为它把复杂的事变得非常非常简单。立体拼接是一个繁复的过程,但CARA VR将之大大简化。
Brand new from cmiVFX, is a new highly detailed twist on video training for The Foundry’s Nuke flagship compositing software. You have all seen the vague “making of” flicks shown on the television, but how many times have you watched the filmmaker gloss right over the most interesting technicalities as if it were purposely done to drive you mad? We know, and empathize with all the like minded individuals who strive for greatness at their craft. Yes, it is true that 95% of the active film post houses are cmiVFX customers, and our research team spends allot of time trying to blaze the path for the software vendors engineers to have something new to build, however it would be a new precedent to present to the world a publicly accessible way to get behind the scenes of an entire series with over 8GB of project files for which you can see in great detail what it really takes to put together a larger scaled project. If you haven’t already logged into your cmiVFX account by now, then check out the chapter descriptions below! When it comes to the best of the best VFX training in the universe, there is only one choice… cmiVFX.com
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