本插件是关于Athentech Perfectly Clear图像修饰磨皮调色PS与LR插件V3.11.0.1860版,大小:120 MB,支持Photoshop与Lightroom软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。人人素材分享
Athentech Perfectly Clear可以让你用最简单,最快捷的方式来改善你每一照片- 节省您的时间,将你的图片处理为最高质量的照片,可以帮你把你大量的摄影照片以快速,简易的操作处理为高质量的美丽照片。节约你的时间,而不需要你拥有很专业的技术。
Athentech Perfectly Clear会给你和专业的后期处理照片一样的质量,Perfectly Clear会告诉你什么是专业的图片,自动给你图片准确的色彩,完美的曝光和模仿人眼的颜色的细微差别和细节保留。拥有智能化的色彩处理,图片锐化和简易磨皮等滤镜插件,并拥有多个默认的设置,比如人像,风景等。所以你需要细致一些去发掘该滤镜的特别之处。
Go beyond artificial intelligence in photo editing and get real intelligence that breathes life into all your images at one time and in just one step.
Perfectly Clear does what you can do manually, only faster (and often better), leaving you with time to fine-tune the details and master your craft.
Perfectly Clear can operate as a stand-alone app, and a plug-in for the following apps:
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop Elements
Corel PaintShop Pro
Perfectly Clear can also act as an external editor for Apple Photos and Phase One’s Capture One.
It’s your workflow, only better, faster and easier than ever before!