本视频教程是由Lynda 机构出品的MARI纹理绘画综合训练视频教程,Up and Running with MARI for Texture Painting,时长:4小时32分,大小:24 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Mari,作者:Mikey Rogers,共38个章节,语言:英语。
MARI是一款全新的具有创造性的3D纹理绘制产品,最初在Weta Digital开发,主要用来解决高细节的纹理问题,后被用于影片《阿凡达》、《第九区》等的开发制作中。MARI能够轻松处理高细节——数以万计的复杂纹理——快速且简单。MARI深受欢迎,并收到了来自各式各样的纹理绘制社区的预定请求,这其中不乏Double Negative和Framestore这样的大客户。
琳达(Lynda) 是全球最知名的在线教育机构,每年可以吸引到4500万独立访客,让它成为教育界的长青网站。这家在线视频教学网站,提供了数以千计的现在最流行的软件技术视频教程。有大约1百万人都愿意支付每月25美元的使用费来访问它,它已经成为一个网上帝国。它的创始人琳达·温曼(LyndaWeinman)认为,她的教程在网民中大受欢迎的程度会鞭策那些认为网络只是让人变笨变懒的人。根据该公司的报告,Lynda 现在每年可以吸引到4500万独立访客,大部份的独立订户会订阅内容1至3年。公司现在雇有200名全职员工,风险投资人还不停地要扔钱过来,但温曼说,她比较喜欢看到公司自然平稳地增长并通过口碑营销打开市场。网站上的教育录像质量很高,课程划分细致,学习的人可以根据自己的目标随时切换内容。
Lynda Up and Running with MARI for Texture Painting
The Foundry’s MARI is an extremely powerful texture painting package used in every corner of the computer graphics industry. Much like Photoshop, MARI has a slew of tools that aid in photo manipulation. However, its primary function is in the 3D painting space, which is the focus of these texture painting tutorials. With an array of brushes and nondestructive tools, MARI not only mimics real-life model painting, but also surpasses it. With MARI, artists can change the final look of their asset at any point in time. This course will guide members through the ins and outs of this essential visual effects tool. Author Mikey Rogers, a CG artist who has worked on eye-catching spots for Nike, Google, and Sony, covers everything from initial model import and scene setup to channel and layer creation and export. He also touches on shader creation inside of MARI, which allows you to view your work in a physically accurate environment using HDR lights. The course closes with a series of projects that demonstrate real-world workflows for painting different wood and stone textures.
MARI纹理绘画综合训练视频教程.part1.rar (4 GB)
MARI纹理绘画综合训练视频教程.part2.rar (4 GB)
MARI纹理绘画综合训练视频教程.part3.rar (4 GB)
MARI纹理绘画综合训练视频教程.part4.rar (4 GB)
MARI纹理绘画综合训练视频教程.part5.rar (4 GB)
MARI纹理绘画综合训练视频教程.part6.rar (4 GB)
MARI纹理绘画综合训练视频教程.part7.rar (2.24 GB)
来自圈子: 人人CG教程小组 |