本教材是由Video2brain机构出品的Photoshop CS6 照片图像质量优化教程,时长:2小时,大小:1.12 GB ,教程使用软件:Photoshop CS6,作者:Tim Grey,官方发布时间:2012年7月13日,人人素材整理发布。
此次CS6系列采用了最新的“Mercury Graphics Engine”设计开发引擎,其最新的内容识别技术可帮助用户更加精准的完成图片编辑。另外,CS6还为用户提供了一些新的选择工具和全新的软件UI,用户可完全摆脱代码的束缚而创造属于自己的HTML5标准网页
Video2brain Photoshop CS6 RAW Workshop Maximize Your Photo Quality with ACR 7 English
Your camera’s RAW capture capability gives you the potential to create truly stunning images, and in this workshop from digital imaging guru Tim Grey, you’ll learn how to use Adobe Camera Raw 7 get optimal quality from your RAW captures with an efficient workflow. After giving you an overview of Camera Raw and how it works, Tim will teach you how to apply a wide variety of adjustments to your images, from renrensucai.com basic adjustments like cropping and sharpening, to advanced adjustments like HSL and split toning, to focused adjustments like spot removal and graduated filters.
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