本软件是关于Fluidray全功能实时动画渲染软件V2.4.0.117版,大小:70 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。RRCG分享
FluidRay RT的运行基础是英特尔的开放源代码Embree内核,它可以加速CPU上的光线跟踪,从而解决了许多基于GPU的渲染者所面临的场景记忆局限性问题。除此之外,对该软件我们也不是很了解:你期望的那些基本功能,该软件都有;但是还没有支持动画的功能,同时该软件可以通过一个免费的插件来导入OBJ文件。
Import scenes, objects and materials directly from your 3D modeling software. Supported formats include: SketchUp (.skp), Rhino OpenNurbs (.3dm), FBX (.fbx), Alias Wavefront (.obj), Collada (.dae), 3DS (.3ds, .ase), DirectX (.X), Stanford PLY (.ply), STereoLithography (.stl).
Real-Time editing of materials, lights and rendering parameters is done in an super easy WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface
Extensive library of materials, models and lights supporting Drag&Drop
Real-Time Rendering
All the tweaking of materials, lights or any other scene properties are immediately visible as real-time feedback in the viewport, making your workflow faster and much more pleasurable.
No GPU Limitations
FluidRay is the only real-time renderer that doesn’t suffer from GPU limitations. GPU based renderers work well only on specific tasks while FluidRay does it all easily and quickly.
User Friendly Interface
Working with FluidRay is effortless. The real-time workflow is extremely intuitive and anyone can get up to speed in just a few minutes.
Real-time physically accurate Global Illumination
Super-fast performance thanks the latest AI and Machine Learning technology
Always achieves the best quality, no need to tweak esoteric rendering parameters
Unbiased real-time algorithms to handle all possible lighting configurations: Bidirectional Path Tracing, Direct Lighting, Path Tracing
Metropolis Sampling
Real-time Ambient Occlusion
Uses the system’s RAM – no GPU memory limitation – Can render scenes with hundreds of million of triangles and multiple GB of textures