拷贝polydamage_nm.mse到C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2018\scripts
拖拽polydamage_macro.ms到3DS MAX视窗完成安装
顶部菜单,自定义-自定义用户界面-键盘 找到PolyDamageV1,分配一个快捷键即可
PolyDamage Plugin for 3dsmax by PolyDesign3D
How to install:
-- Copy "polydamage_nm.mse" to "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2018\scripts"
-- Drag and drop "polydamage_macro.ms" file to the 3dsmax viewport.
-- Go to Customize > Customize user interface > Keyboard tab > find PolyDamageV1 and assign an hotkey.
-- Use this hotkey to run plugin.
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