greyscalegorilla 网站的GSG灰猩猩录制的30天学习C4D计划教程,
教程为高清视频教程,英语发音,无中文字幕,共30集,使用Cinema 4D软件
·GSG 30: Build an Animated Balloony Abstract Reveal
·GSG 29: Animated Texture Engraving
·GSG 28: How to Make a Distressed Liquid Sound Wave Effect
·GSG 27: Make A Fleshy Blob Displacement Effect For Characters
·GSG 26: Make A Broken Up Glass Abstract Piece In Cinema 4D
·GSG 25: Explode A Model Into Several Smaller Objects
·GSG 24: How To Make A Rough Metal Texture
·GSG 23: How To Create An Abstract Drippy Effect
·GSG 22: Pop a Balloon With Cloth Dynamics
·GSG 21: How To Create A Water Tank Scene
·GSG 20: How To Make A Foggy Tunnel Look
·GSG 19: Build An Animated Exploded Parts View
·GSG 18: How To Make A Monochromatic Depth Map Look
·GSG 17: How To Make A Basic Daylight Rig In Cinema 4D
·GSG 16: Build On And Assemble A Roller Coaster Piece By Piece
·GSG 15: Use Mograph To Clone Spikes onto a Letter With Cinema 4D
·GSG 14: Quickly Texture A Model With A Photo
·GSG 13: Make A Mesh Peel Away Using Cloth Dynamics
·GSG 12: Mix Indoor And Outdoor Lighting
·GSG 11: Make Bunched Up Cloth Texture In Cinema 4D
·GSG 10: Fill A Model Volume With Voxel Cubes
·GSG 9: Abstract Mograph Top-Lit Pile Of Stuff Thing
·GSG 8: How To Create a Back-Lit Lighting Look LookAE.com
·GSG 7: Compressing Geometry with Negative Pressure And Softbody Dynamics
·GSG 6: Make An Ornate Lighting Decoration With Mograph
·GSG 5: How To Animate Broken Up Text and Geometry In Cinema 4D
·GSG 4: Abstract Spiked Object With Overhead Lighting And Depth Of Field
·GSG 2: How To Make A Bumpy Ruby Rock Texture
·GSG 1: How to make a Clay Render Look