MathType 是一个由美国Design Science公司开发的强大的数学公式编辑器,它同时支持Windows和Macintosh 操作系统,与常见的文字处理软件和演示程序配合使用,能够在各种文档中加入复杂的数学公式和符号。MathType ##与常见文字处理工具紧密结合,支持 OLE (对象的链接与嵌入),可以在任何支持 OLE 的文字处理系统中调用 (从主菜单中选择 "插入->对象" 在新对象中选择 "MathType ##" ),帮助用户快速建立专业化的数学技术文档。
版本对 Word 或 WPS 文字处理系统支持相当好,并且增加了对Office 2007 和Windows Vista的支持。
MathType 实现“所见即所得”的工作模式,是一个强大的数学公式编辑器。它可以将编辑好的公式保存成多种图片格式或透明图片模式,可以很方便的添加或移除符号、表达式等模板(只需要简单地用鼠标拖进拖出即可),也可以很方便地修改模板。MathType 与常见的文字处理软件和演示程序配合使用,能够在各种文档中加入复杂的数学公式和符号,可用在编辑数学试卷、书籍、报刊、论文、幻灯演示等方面,是编辑数学资料的得力工具。
New Features in MathType 6.8
MathType 6.8 for Windows new features:
1.Compatible with 64-bit Office 2010.
2."Exact speech" rules. When creating accessible web content with MathType's MathPage feature, sometimes it's desirable to specify the exact string of text that MathPlayer will read aloud through a screen reader. MathType 6.8 lets you specify exact speech for all or part of an equation.
3.Paste tables and spreadsheet cells into MathType as matrices. MathType lets you copy and paste a range of spreadsheet cells or a table in a word processing document, and paste it into the equation you are working on. MathType will convert the data into a matrix.
4.Expanded compatibility with equations in web pages. Many websites display GIF images for their equations. If these were created with MathType, you can copy & paste them into MathType to re-use in your own work.
5.Additional capability to work with a growing list of software applications, web applications, and websites. Notable additions are Experts 123, Prezi, Quora, and Windows Live Writer. See Using MathType with Applications and Websites for details.