自1992年,PROCAD就不遗余力地推出管道设计CAD软体和电器设计CAD软体。 PROCAD
2D Designer 管道设计软体套件括AutoFLOW、AutoORTHO 和AutoISO。我们也提供
电器绘图软体 AutoELECTRIC 软体。这些软体可以让你保质保量地完成工作。
我们的尖端3D 软体3DSMART可以简化管道设计过程的各个步骤,界面友好、设计
使用PROCAD的2D DESIGNER软体,你可以不再浪费时间和金钱,开始绘制完美的图形,感觉从
来没有这么容易。使用2D DESIGNER,你可以最大程度地提高管道设计效率,而无论管道的尺
寸有多少,也无论管道设计有多复杂。 PROCAD的管道设计成套软体充分利用AUTOCAD的图形引
擎功能,保证你的设计工作能够保质保量地完成。每一个2D DESIGNER设计软体不但功能丰富
,别具特色,而且它会使你的设计工作简化,更加享受。 2D DESIGNER具有丰富的用户自定义
提高完善以满足你的精确标准和期望。 2D DESIGNER特征:容易操作– 清晰友好的用户界面包
括在线帮助和萤幕资讯提示。易于安装,灵活授权– 2D DESIGNER 可以进行网路安装和单机
靠地运行。项目管理工具– 组织项目的设置和数据,赋予每一个项目或者用户自己的设计标
图形标准按项目或用户始终一致。支援公制和英制单位– 2D DESIGNER 允许用户使用公制、
英制或二者的组合。规格驱动的管道设计– 根据源数据库可以生成你自己的管材规格。这包
括各种尺寸、级别和材质的管件接头。材料管理能力– 材料报表生成工具使你能够有效地管
理每一个项目的材料,并且可以制作用户自定义的材料报表。广泛的元件支援 – 使用齐全的
符号库和管件库。新颖的功能表系统– 使用功能表系统可以使你迅速地找到所需的工具和命令。
丰富的CAD功能– 省时的功能使绘图工作免于繁重效率倍增。例如,2D
绘图美学– 2D DESIGNER还刻意使每一个符号和管件图符更加漂亮,使你完成美观的工程图纸。
多AUTOCAD版本支援– 2D DESIGNER可以运行在多个AUTOCAD版本下,以减少频繁升级。
免费更新– 可以通过我们的网站免费下载PROCAD的最新的软体更新和功能。我们的软体支援最
软体维护– 获得优先的技术支援、专业化安装、软体设置咨询以及不附加额外开支的软体升级
。但你需要选择每年更新的计划。 10年以上的公认的软体开发经验– PROCAD誉满全球。一直
标准版和专业版– 安装时你可以选择2D DESIGNER标准版或者专业版。
PROCAD 2D Designer
PROCAD 2D Designer offers piping & electrical plant design solution includes drafting of P&ID, plans, isometrics, single lines, control schematics and layouts.
For over 27 years, PROCAD has been delivering CAD skills training to engineers, architects, planners, interior designers, drafters and individuals. PROCAD is a Leader in CAD Education and is situated in Subiaco, a near city suburb of PERTH, Western Australia.
With 2D Designer Product Company PROCAD, is worth more, actually, wasted time and money when you can also begin to create, as everyone knows, flawless drawings more easily, which you could only dream. It should be noted that, thanks to 2D DESIGNER, you can greatly increase the efficiency of the design engineering of pipelines of all sizes and levels of difficulty. Sure, it is worth mentioning that by combining proven technology with already, as usual, an improved graphics engine of AutoCAD, the company has made PROCAD complex piping design software that will help you always put it mildly, to complete their projects on time and within budget. As if this were not enough, but any way we used to say, the application package 2D DESIGNER has a rich set of tools and multi-functional capabilities that are not only much easier just your job, and make it the most, as we are constantly say, interesting.
The versatility of 2D DESIGNER allows you to purchase individual piping applications or choose the Piping Suite for a complete design solution at significant savings:
- AutoFLOW
Drastically simplify the creation, modification and management of Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID) and Process Flow Diagrams (PFD).
Create intelligent and impeccable 2D piping, structural and civil drawings. Choose from an extensive variety of components including valves, flanges, pipe fittings and structural steel items.
- AutoISO
Quickly and accurately draw and dimension piping isometrics with this intelligent specification driven tool.
- Piping Suite
Our most popular solution that combines AutoFLOW, AutoORTHO and AutoISO into a single package for faster time-to-productivity and better project coordination.
Every application comes with 2D DESIGNER Supporting Modules that enable you to easily organize your standards, create pipe specs, design material reports and generate comprehensive BOMs in a variety of file formats.
- Electrical Design
2D DESIGNER is your go-to productivity tool to draw electrical single line diagrams, schematic and layout drawings. Included is the 2D DESIGNER Standards Manager module to help you organize drafting standards for your projects and customers.
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