[Photoshop] 《超炫PS摄影照片高级互动教程》Adobe Photoshop from Essential to Advance Level...

Peter 发表于 2011-2-15 23:57:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
《超炫PS摄影照片高级互动教程》Adobe Photoshop from Essential to Advance Level...


Adobe Photoshop from Essential to Advance Level – Interactive Tutorials | Size: 3.45 GB

Adobe Photoshop Design Effects

This course goes beyond Photoshop as a photography tool by teaching you to think differently about the way you approach your work. Whether you are a designer, photographer, or illustrator, there is something here for you. This DVD will cover some of the most eye-catching effects used in the digital arts today, and even a few things you—nor your clients—have ever seen before. This course is designed to give you the edge you need in this competitive market by teaching you how to bring together various elements for a resonating design aesthetic. You’ll learn how to extract and distill what you need from photographs or—depending on the situation and your design’s requirements—craft what you need from scratch

Adobe Photoshop for Beginners

Corey Barker — education and curriculum developer for NAPP — shows you through the basic essentials of Adobe® Photoshop. Whether you are new to Photoshop or even Photoshop in general, this course is the place to start learning. Not only will you learn the basics of the Photoshop core tools and functions, but by the time you finish this course you will be editing and compositing your images with ease. Even if you are somewhat familiar with Photoshop this course will be great to refresh or sharpen your skills. In this DVD you will learn:

* How to set up your preferences and workspaces

* How to customize Photoshop to suit your needs

* How to create selections

* How to work with layers

* How to create text

As the course progresses and you get more familiar with the tools, we will venture into color correction, image retouching, and basic compositing techniques. While this course is presented in Photoshop utilizing some of the new features, the core concepts are still relevant in earlier CS versions of Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop Selections and Masks

Being able to make accurate selections is one of the most important skills in Photoshop and making those selections quickly and painlessly is equally important. Join Dave Cross as he covers all the key tools and techniques for selecting and masking.

Starting from the ground up, you’ll learn:

* The difference between selections and masks and why it’s important to use both

* How to use selection tools individually and together as a “selection toolkit”

* Examples of which selection tool to use in different situations

* Fine-tuning selections using Quick Mask and Refine Edges

* How to use Channels to select challenging subjects such as hair

* Making masks from selections and fine-tuning masks

You’ll also see when it may not be necessary to make a selection at all, and follow along as Dave works through a couple of real-world examples. Making selections and masks are two skills that you’ll use time and time again and the better you become, the easier everything can be in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop Power Session

New for Photoshop! Matt Kloskowski – Education and Curriculum Developer for NAPP – shows you the very latest and coolest Photoshop CS4 tips, tricks, and hidden secrets. Matt’s Photoshop CS4 Power Session DVD will have you up-to-speed and mastering Photoshop CS4′s newest feature like a pro.

This course is ideal for people with experience using Photoshop CS3, Photoshop CS2, or Photoshop CS, Adobe Photoshop CS4 Power Session is the easiest way to learn the new features in Photoshop CS4 so you can start using them right away. This DVD will teach you:

* The new interface and how it will help you work faster and better than ever before

* Tips for working with Selections, Curves, Smart Filters, and other enhanced features

* How to use the all new Photomerge feature to work faster, smarter and more creatively

* How to use Adobe Bridge CS4 to streamline your workflow

* Techniques for getting the most out of Camera Raw 4

* Improved printing techniques now possible in Photoshop

Beauty and Portrait Retouching Kit

Kelby Training – Photoshop CS4 Beauty & Portrait Retouching Kit. This DVD includes everything you need to retouch beauty, portrait, and fashion shots, like a pro! Beauty Photographer & Digital Artist, David Cuerdon, not only teaches you the retouching techniques he has mastered in his 30 year career, he gives you the actual tools he uses to produce his award-winning images!This is an actual retouching kit, a tool box, not just a collection of tutorials. You have all the Photoshop tools that David uses is in his work, including brushes, color swatches, actions, textures, custom shapes, and more.

Adobe Photoshop Mastering Layers

Join NAPP instructor, photographer, and best-selling author, Matt Kloskowski, as he introduces you to one of the most revolutionary and important features in Photoshop: Layers. In Adobe Photoshop CS4 Mastering Layers, you’ll learn how to effectively and creatively use Layers to take your Photos and digital art from good to fantastic.



拍鲨鱼 发表于 2011-12-25 11:12:12 | 显示全部楼层
云梦 发表于 2012-3-4 01:04:27 | 显示全部楼层
不夜程 发表于 2012-4-1 23:13:06 | 显示全部楼层
dialogue 发表于 2012-5-5 15:54:37 | 显示全部楼层
cghot 发表于 2012-5-14 09:10:43 | 显示全部楼层
感谢楼主分享.《超炫PS摄影照片高级互动教程》Adobe Photoshop from Essential to Advance Level...《超炫PS摄影照片高级互动教程》Adobe Photoshop from Essential to Advance Level...《超炫PS摄影照片高级互动教程》Adobe Photoshop from Essential to Advance Level...
motta000 发表于 2012-7-23 16:02:54 | 显示全部楼层
welneon 发表于 2012-7-26 21:11:44 | 显示全部楼层
88419708 发表于 2012-7-26 21:42:05 | 显示全部楼层
末瞸 发表于 2012-8-18 14:00:13 | 显示全部楼层
wxf604 发表于 2012-9-4 17:22:40 | 显示全部楼层
感恩无私的分享与奉献 《超炫PS摄影照片高级互动教程》Adobe Photoshop from Essential to Advance Level...
l。 发表于 2012-10-27 19:51:36 | 显示全部楼层
赫彩映像 发表于 2012-11-9 19:01:57 | 显示全部楼层
感谢发布如此精彩的CG资源 《超炫PS摄影照片高级互动教程》Adobe Photoshop from Essential to Advance Level...
panying 发表于 2013-1-12 18:41:08 | 显示全部楼层
感谢发布如此精彩的CG资源 《超炫PS摄影照片高级互动教程》Adobe Photoshop from Essential to Advance Level...
charlesxp 发表于 2013-1-31 00:56:49 | 显示全部楼层
thank you!!!
Longxian 发表于 2013-3-3 23:03:19 | 显示全部楼层
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