本软件是关于Corel Painter Essentials数字美术绘画软件V8.0.0.148版,大小:480 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。RRCG分享
Corel Painter是目前世界上最为完善的电脑美术绘画软件, 它以其特有的 Natural Media 仿天然绘画技术为代表, 在电脑上首次将传统的绘画方法和电脑设计完整的结合起来, 形成了其独特的绘画和造型效果。
Corel Painter产品设计理念是为激发您的创作灵感,使用获奖肯定的 Natural-Media® 笔刷自由自在地创作空白画布和照片美化作品。 Corel Painter Essentials 这套的直觉式绘图程式,它的欢迎画面提供您许多强大逼真的艺术创作工具,激励您尽兴地绘画创作,达成您的创作目标。将相片转变成精美油画、蜡笔画或印象派大作,或使用蜡笔、铅笔或微粒油彩在空白画布上涂抹、绘画并描绘图像。最好的是...您可以与绘画同好在社交团体中连系,这群热爱绘画创作的同好还可为您提供宝贵创作意见。尽情发挥蛰伏的艺术天份!
除了作为世界上首屈一指的自然绘画软件外, Corel Painter在影像编辑、特技制作和二维动画方面, 也有突出的表现, 对于专业设计师, 出版社美编, 摄影师, 动画及多媒体制作人员和一般电脑美术爱好者, Painter都是一个非常理想的图像编辑和绘画工具。
由 Corel 公司所出品的专业绘图软件 - Painter,在绘图的领域里有着相当大的知名度,它能够带给使用者全新的数字化绘图体验,更接近手工素描、绘画的表现,与 Adobe Photoshop 兼容,是您不可或缺的绘图工具,也是您增进数字绘图技术的选择,拥有它,等于拥有了崭新的创造力!
Digital art made simple – Interested in digital art? Enjoy all the versatility of Painter® Essentials™ 8, the fun and uncomplicated painting software for beginners that will inspire you to experiment and fall in love with digital painting. Beginner painting software for Windows
– Easy to use interface
– Industry-acclaimed brushes
– Incredible painting speed
– Extensive built-in learning resources
– AI-based photo painting
Blank Canvas
Paint from a blank canvas using a curated collection of artist-created brushes.
Photo Art
Create amazing photo art using AI, Auto-Painting or Paint by hand.
Intuitive user interface
Brushes, adjustment tools and built-in learning are easily accessible through the UI so you can focus on your art.
Amazing brushes
Craft your masterpiece with stunning reality using renowned dry, wet, and blending media.
Simple photo art and tracing
Transform any image using powerful AI, Auto-Painting, Cloning and Tracing Paper.
Convenient color selection
Select color your way. Use the Color Wheel, Mixer, Color Sets and Harmonies.
Valuable symmetry tools
Paint in perfect symmetry with Mirror Painting and create beautiful Mandalas using the Kaleidoscope tool.
Incredible speed
Essentials can easily manage large canvases, scrubby zooming, rotating, large brushes and up to 4x’s faster Sargent brushes.