本软件是关于Trimble Tekla Structures建筑自动化设计软件V2020 SP3版,大小:4 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。人人素材分享
Tekla Structures完全兼容目前流行的工作厂房设计软件,像AVEVA PDMS 和 Intergraph Smart 3D。这种高水平的双向集成,通过提供一个更高水平的细节更好的信息转换及变更管理,加快和提高了模型数据的转换。在Tekla Structures 和 Autodesk的 Revit Architecture 及 Revit MEP之间改进的集成,允许更好的协作。Tekla的自动化模型和图纸导出功能节省了大量的时间,使下游的工作流程更为顺畅。此外Tekla还使用 Trimble SketchUp改进了导入和导出功能。
Trimble has released an update to Tekla Structures 2020, is much more than design and detailing software: it is the most accurate and comprehensive 3D building information modeling (BIM) tool in the market that streamlines the workflow from sales, bidding, cost estimation and conceptual design to detailing, manufacture and erection. This release arrives with improvements and fixes – be it drawings, collaboration, or modeling complex geometries or reinforcement.