中文名: 逆向工程软件
英文名: Inus Rapidform Xor3
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: SP1 WIN64|WIN32
发行时间: 2012年
制作发行: INUS
地区: 韩国
语言: 英文
RapidForm 是韩国 INUS 公司出品的逆向工程软件,RapidForm 提供了新一代运算模式,可实时将点云数据运算出无接缝的多边形曲面,使它成为 3D Scan 后处理之最佳化的接口。RapidForm 也将使您的工作效率提升,使 3D 扫描设备的运用范围扩大,改善扫描品质。
RapidformXO Redesign允许工程师捕捉实际物体的设计意图和设计参数,这些东西可能在制造过程中失去他们的定义特征或根本没有CAD模型。三维扫描技术和RapidformXO Redesign给制造者提供了抽取实际物体的设计参数的自由和弹性,这包括了棱柱特征和自由曲面。因为RapidformXO Redesign里生成的CAD模型是完全参数化的,设计者和工程师可以在RapidformXO Redesign或另一个下游CAD系统中修改实际物体的设计参数,从而完善这个模型,使它能被批量生产。
RapidformXO Redesign是一个创新的软件方案,它能够帮助工程师利用3D扫描资料和多边形资料创作出参量CAD立体图。XOR使用的是标准立体和平面造型工作流程和工程师所熟悉的用户界面,因而这种软件方案只需要很少的培训,并且还能够降低处理3D扫描资料所需要的时间,它还能制作出使用当今工程软件所无法制作的最高质量的产品。任何人,只要会使用SolidWorks, CATIA, Pro/ENGINEER 或Unigraphics都可以开始马上使用XOR进行造型处理。
Rapidfrom XOR软件是世界上唯一能够以3D扫描数据为基础创建CAD模型的3D逆向工程软件。可编辑的实体模型可以适用于很多方面。
无论什么样的3D扫描仪测定的点云或者面片基本上都不能直接用于设计。 Rapidform XOR能够从破损或者含有杂点的扫描数据直接创建模型。
Rapidform XOR is the only reverse engineering software that combines CAD with 3D scan data processing so you can create parametric, editable solid models of virtually anything you scan.
Generates history-based CAD models with feature trees
Convert to your preferred file format, including SolidWorks,
Creo, NX, Inventor, AutoCAD, CATIA and others
Point cloud, mesh, surface and solid modeling all in one application
Named “the only viable choice” for parametric reverse engineering in an independent study
Rapidform XOR makes 3D scan data more useful
All 3D scanners create point clouds or meshes, which aren’t that useful for most design needs. Rapidform XOR is purpose-built to create usable 3D models directly from scan data.
The fastest way to get
from raw scans to real CAD models
There is simply no faster way to get from unprocessed 3D scans to complete, feature-based solid models. XOR’s redesign tools save hours or days of work compared to rebuilding in your CAD software.
Easy to learn and use because it works like your CAD software
If you can design in CAD, you can start using XOR right away. It uses familiar tools for solid modeling, and skips the old reverse engineering workflows involving painstaking polygon editing and surface generation.
Powerful and flexible
People are doing amazing things with Rapidform every day. Since XOR is built on a complete CAD kernel (Parasolid), it gives you the flexibility to make real CAD models the way you want. Everything you need is contained in one application, without the need to flip back and forth between apps. Additionally, its automated scan data processing tools make it easy to unlock the full potential of your 3D scanner.