Jeppesen Data Cycle 1203系统数据2012月份更新。每月更新一次,该手册包含了通信,气象,法规,机场指南及地区图表。 使用平台:JeppView3 。 Jeppesen是波音旗下的子公司,主要业务是面向全球范围提供,航空、航海导航数据、航行图纸、天气报告、气象预报等航行方面的各类相关服务。Jeppesen的资料来源,是世界各地政府主管机关,所申报的该地区所开通的国际航行线路的共用情报。强调一点:因为资料是共用情报,所以详实程度会比该地区内部流通的资料要简单一些,甚至对不上号的情况。 Jeppesen的航行资料,时间采用ZULU制,中国与之时差是+8小时。计量单位采用英尺、海里等英制单位,坐标数据采用WGS84标准。 在资料发布时间上,Jeppesen是每28天发布一个新版,每14天发布一个修订版。单号是新版,+1的双号就是修订版。修订版通常是对新版的资料增补,错误修改等,修订版与新版本的导航数据库是一致的。这就建议喜欢保存资料的飞友,只保存双号的Jeppesen资料就好了。 Jeppesen Data Cycle 1203 February Update Update system for preparation, planning & execution of flights under Visual Flight Rules. Updated monthly, the Manual contains Communications, Meteorology, Regulations, Aerodrome Directory & Visual Approach, Landing & Area Charts. About Jeppesen Sanderson Jeppesen (also known as Jeppesen Sanderson) is an American company that specializes in navigational information, operations management solutions and flight training products and services. Airlines and pilots, ship operators and boaters, and railway companies use Jeppesen charts and data for navigation, and operations management tools to plan flights and voyages, schedule crews and fleets and otherwise optimize their operations. The company is a subsidiary of The Boeing Company. Jeppesen also publishes related software, some of which is used on its electronic flight bag and in others offered by avionics manufacturers and other third parties. Overview Based on the world’s most comprehensive aeronautical navigation data, we offer our customers a flexible, scalable approach to transforming their operations from where they are now, to where they want to be tomorrow. For some, this means a fully digital transformation. For others, a combination of paper-based and digital navigation products and services is the answer. Only Jeppesen has the flexible, scalable, proven solutions to support our customer’s vision … no matter what the vision may be. 115网盘永久+FTP迅雷高速地址:
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