本插件是关于Panther3D珠宝设计Grasshopper与Rhino插件V1.0.2001.25版,大小:460 MB,支持Rhino软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。RRCG分享
开始使用最新最先进的CAD软体开始建立数位化珠宝饰品. 此软体套装组包括:Rhinoceros 5.0,RhinoGold 6 Pro。最好最先进的工具来创建订制珠宝首饰,简单的元素结合在一起,使得RhinoGold 6成为最适合珠宝专业人士的利器。理想的应用选择,如产品设计,雕刻,木工,船舶制造,消费品,汽车和珠宝。 Clayoo是唯一Rhinoceros的插件,并提供三种不同的自由造形技术:SubD,浮雕和雕塑。创建有机型体设计、复杂、易于使用、与NURBS兼容工具中。
《Rhino 6工作流程基础核心技术视频教程》中文字幕版:
Panther is a Rhino and Grasshopper Plugin focus on Jewelry Creation.
Designed by fully parametric components which combined allow unlimited possibilities for interactive jewelry pieces.
This user guide provides an extended documentation for each component options.
Once the Plugin is loaded into Grasshopper a new tab will appear. The Panther tab is divided into different category menus and each one contains several components. After left click on the tool it will be loaded into the Gh canvas and from here we will be able to start customizing each one to create unique combinations and generating unlimited possibilities.
Panther 1.0.2001.25
All notable changes to this version are documented in this list:
Core loading crash fixed in Panther interface
Each builder follows a very simple process, from one side it needs input values to be able to output results.
《Rhino 6工作流程基础核心技术视频教程》中文字幕版: