MSC软件公司,其突破性的Adams 多体动力学技术平台的基础上,加快了产品创新的多学科仿真解决方案的领导者,2013年 Adams 宣布推出新的版本。 该版本包含新的模块随着乘坐扩展汽车功能测试,机械动力学分析,leafspring代和动力系统建模。
Adams 2013年版帮助机械工程师更准确地模拟系统,预测性能和可视化结果。 主要增强功能包括:
HHT集成了一个更有效的步长选择有利于所有类别的车型更快的速度提高。 Adams 2013还为用户提供了选择实现“自适应插值”的所有积分,提高求解速度。 “自适应插值”的方式增加了4倍,对于一个典型的粗糙的公路行驶平顺性仿真的模拟速度,10次为一个类似扁直路试。
在新的Adams 2013年发布,Adams /机械解决方案增加了一个新的轴承模块,现有的齿轮,皮带和链模块在2012年发布。 新的Adams /机械轴承模块,使用户可以选择从库中的超过24,000现成的,现成的,涵盖了14轴承类型轴承。 该库提供了8领先制造商的轴承特性的几何值。 造型新颖的技术使服务寿命预测的基础上被广泛接受的行业标准。
Adams /机械内部采用ADAMS / View环境中,使分析师级仿真实际的机械设计和平易近人的。 工程师们现在可以使用多个造型生产力模块与通用ADAMS / View环境中更有效地创建一个通用的机械部件,而遇到一个较短的学习曲线。
该模型在ADAMS / View的浏览器是可定制的,可以在ADAMS / View和ADAMS / CAR。 它存在于模板生成器和标准的用户界面模式,有用户定义的元素(UDE)的支持。 定制的模型浏览器,包括动态搜索和可保存过滤器,它可以更轻松地访问和修改复杂的车辆模型。
-新钢板弹簧预处理器在ADAMS / CAR
利用以前可用的和经过验证的钢板弹簧建模工具在Adams /机箱,Adams 2013年开始实施这一新功能在ADAMS / CAR。 此外,单个叶片弹簧模型将得到充分的支持,从而减少了需要定制的解决方案和完善的易用性。 这项新功能将有利于的CAE分析师轻型和重型卡车行业。
Adams 2013年在ADAMS / Car与Adams /机箱采用了动力总成整合。 在新版本中,工程师发现了多种预定义的模板,包括手动,自动,CVT,双离合器变速箱。
- Adams /轮胎与带动态
传统的Adams /轮胎集中测试频率低于15赫兹的处理。 在新的Adams 2013年版,带动态选项提供有效期至70Hz,使工程师能够适用Adams /轮胎骑分析,高保真和低计算成本。
MSC软件公司是原来的10个软件公司和全球领先的多学科仿真。 作为一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,MSC软件可以帮助企业提高产品质量,节省时间,降低成本与生产的产品的设计和测试。 学术机构,研究人员和学生使用MSC公司的技术以及扩大个人知识,扩大视野的模拟。 MSC软件在20个国家拥有员工1100名专业人员。
MSC软件公司的标志,模拟现实,MSC Nastran软件,Adams ,Actran,DIGIMAT,DYTRAN,EASY5,马克,PATRAN,MSC,MASTERKEY,MASTERKEY此外,Mvision能够,SimDesigner的,SimManager的,和SimXpert MSC软件公司的商标或注册商标。和/或其附属公司在美国和/或其他国家(地区)。 NASTRAN是NASA的注册商标。 所有其它商标均归其各自所有者所有。
Building on its groundbreaking Adams multibody dynamics technology platform, MSC Software Corporation, the leader in multidiscipline simulation solutions that accelerate product innovation, announced the new release of Adams 2013. The release includes new modules for machinery dynamics analysis along with extended automotive features for ride test, leafspring generation, and powertrain modeling.
The Adams 2013 release helps mechanical engineers more accurately model systems, predict performance, and visualize results. Key enhancements include:
- Faster Performance
The HHT integrator was enhanced with a more efficient step size selection which benefits all classes of models with faster speed. Adams 2013 also provides users with the option to implement the "Adaptive Interpolation" in all integrators to improve the solver speed. The "Adaptive interpolation" approach has increased simulation speed by 4 times for a typical Rough Road ride simulation, and by 10 times for a similar Straight Flat Road test.
- New Bearing Module for Machinery Designers
In the new Adams 2013 release, the Adams/Machinery solution adds a new bearing module to the existing gear, belt, and chain modules introduced in the 2012 release. The new Adams/Machinery Bearing module enables a user to select from a library of more than 24,000 off-the-shelf bearings spanning a range of 14 bearing types. The library supplies characteristic geometry values for bearings from 8 leading manufacturers. The novel modeling technique employed enables service life prediction based on widely-accepted industry standards.
Adams/Machinery is fully incorporated inside the Adams/View environment and makes analyst-level simulation practical and approachable for machinery designers. Engineers now can use multiple modeling productivity modules to create common machinery components more efficiently than with the generic Adams/View environment, while encountering a shorter learning curve.
Also included are productivity enhancements for automotive & truck engineers such as:
- User-Customizable Model Browser
The model browser in Adams/View is now customizable, and is available in both Adams/View and Adams/Car. It exists in both Template Builder and Standard User Interface modes, and has User Defined Element (UDE) support. With the customizable model browser, including dynamic searching and savable filters, it is now easier to access and modify complex vehicle models.
- New Leaf Spring Preprocessor in Adams/Car
Taking advantage of previously available and proven leaf spring modeling tools in Adams/Chassis, Adams 2013 implemented this new capability in Adams/Car. Also, a single leaf spring model will be fully supported, thus reducing the need for custom solutions and improving the ease of use. This new feature will benefit the CAE analysts in light and heavy truck industries.
- Expanded Options for Robust Powertrain Modeling
Adams 2013 features the powertrain consolidation in both Adams/Car and Adams/Chassis. In the new release, engineers find a variety of pre-defined templates, including those for manual, automatic, CVT, and dual-clutch transmissions.
- Adams/Tire with Belt DynamicsThe traditional Adams/Tire focuses on handling tests with frequencies below 15 Hz. In the new Adams 2013 release, the belt dynamics option offers validity up to 70Hz, which enables engineers to apply Adams/Tire to ride analysis with high fidelity and low computational cost.
About MSC Software
MSC Software is one of the ten original software companies and the worldwide leader in multidiscipline simulation. As a trusted partner, MSC Software helps companies improve quality, save time, and reduce costs associated with design and test of manufactured products. Academic institutions, researchers, and students employ MSC's technology to expand individual knowledge as well as expand the horizon of simulation. MSC Software employs 1,100 professionals in 20 countries. For additional information about MSC Software's products and services, please visit:
The MSC Software corporate logo, Simulating Reality, MSC Nastran, Adams, Actran, Digimat, Dytran, Easy5, Marc, Patran, MSC, MasterKey, MasterKey Plus, Mvision, SimDesigner, SimManager, and SimXpert are trademarks or registered trademarks of MSC Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. NASTRAN is a registered trademark of NASA. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.