《STASH艺术视频杂志第65期2010年2月刊》Stash Magazine Issue 65 DVD

抱着猫的老鼠 发表于 2013-3-26 14:49:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
《STASH艺术视频杂志第65期2010年2月刊》Stash Magazine Issue 65 DVD

本视频杂志是关于STASH艺术视频杂志第65期2010年2月刊,Stash Magazine Issue 65 DVD,3.97 GB,格式:ISO DVD。含有几十个视觉灵感冲击作品。人人素材网整理发布。

Stash DVD杂志是以月刊形式发布的DVD杂志,包含了当月全球的优秀商业广告, CG行业的热门动画短片、VFX视觉特效,MTV等,对于电视节目包装,广告设计,动画、漫画设计,游戏设计等具有很高的参考价值。这些作品代表了当前 CG行业最为领先的设计思想和理念及最为热门的技术等。设计者们需要的是创意,而STASH DVD 杂志正是为设计者,尤其是创意设计者准备的,该产品也非常值得设计者们收藏。

Stash DVD 是由美国Stashmedia公司出版的DVD月刊杂志,包含了当月中世界一流设计室、设计师制作的VFX,动画,motion graphics等设计、广告创意方面的优秀作品。

其口号是:DVD MAGAZINE Animation, VFX and motion graphics for design and advertising。其方向主要面对CG行业。CG行业是一个巨大的、多样性的、极具革新性的一个行业。但尽管该行业在世界范围内不断壮大增长,一直以来该领域都缺乏一个专业的出版物,用来展示行业内最精华的作品。

Stash杂志于2004年夏天创刊,Stash DVD杂志以一种全新的、具有革命性的形式来传递世界上每月出现的最杰出的动画,VFX及Motion Graphics作品。由于该杂志是DVD形式,可以归档管理。当你创作时,可非常容易的拿来作为创意资源参考。随Stash DVD一起的还有一本全彩色、印刷精美的40页的小册子,包含了DVD内各作品的简单说明。

Stash DVD创刊两年来,现已成为全球动画设计师,创意设计师,广告创设计师,游戏创意工作者及其他创意编辑、学生等不可或缺的重要设计参考资源。现Stash DVD已经远销世界50多个国家。

Stash Magazine Issue 65 DVD
Stash, the Monthly DVD Magazine of animation, VFX and motion graphics for advertising and broadcast
The fun starts with Kevin Garnet giving Derek Rose a “Lesson in Style” for Nike through Elastic and a52, then The Mill help editor Rich Orrick slice and dice Honda products into a sweet ride, Stockholm’s Red Rum pull together a minute of cherubic slomo silliness for VW’s Seat, Brand New School reimagine the sass and style of Victorian era Tennessee for Jack Daniels, La Flama and Exodo destroy any urge you ever had to smoke with two spots for venomocity.com, 1st Ave Machine readjusts your perception of how a browser really works for Google Chrome and Uruguay’s Carumba punch and pull corrogated cardboard to its limits for the La Republica Newspaper before Wicked Pixels choreographs a waltz of emo particles for Momentum Health.

Superfad guides us into the broadcast design section with their stark and riveting titles for Paramount’s “Thirteen”, Stardust drape India’s new Big Broadcasting in veils of light, Swedish studio Meinbender prove their general bentness with three new Cartoon Network clips, London’s Hot Head Films combine an extroverted purple bovine with the swinging Sixties for E4’s “Udderbelly” Buenos Aires motion talent Sergio Saleh conjures chromatic magic for both Foxlife and TYC Sports, and Universal Everything wrangles a stable of international directors for the exuberant new MTV rebrand.

And then, something completely different: rotting vegetables, small moldy creatures plus beheadings and mayhem in a bizarre and wonderful new film from Hydra, the in-house directing collective at New York’s Humble.

EB Hu returns to Stash with another darkly beautiful and carefully animated clip called Lucky. Other familiar names you’ll welcome back include Life Long Friendship Society with their video for the One Eskimo track “Givin’ Up”, The Glue Society and Fuel VFX build an exercise in tension for Metal on Metal’s “Bastard”, Blind block out a gritty sequence for the feature film “Bits and Pieces”, Impactist release their latest enigmatic gems of self-promotion, and Studio AKA continue to amaze with trailers for their two most recent film projects, Lost and Found and Stuck on a Sunday.

Fresh blood in Stash 65 includes Belgian talents Michele De Feudis and Joris Bergmans who landed on this month’s cover with their twisted take on Team WIlliam’s “You look Familiar” track, Kousuke Sugimoto breaking out of Japan with his rhythmic tour of urban chaos for Takayuki Manabe’s “The TV Show”, Dutch animation student Lois van Barrle renders a future where emotions and feelings are for sale in Trichrome Blue, Tokyo’s Katsuhiko Omori compiles a dense and lyrical interpretation of a track from Suzuka Nakahara, French director/animators Yann Benedi and Celine Desrumaux lubricate their environmental message with charm and wit and UK director Ed Barrett erects a seven-minute opus to individuality called Man Up.

Stash 65 also closes with newcomers: three of them in fact. Soulbase, Artibite and Plastiek concieved and produced their bold and kinetic mini-noir called Pivot from their shared studio space in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

The Bonus film on 65, Lies by Swedish animation force and FilmTecknarna founder Jonas Odell, won a shelf-full of awards last year including the Jury Prize for International Short Filmmaking at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival.

Behind the Scenes on 65 includes revealing peeks into the making of Seat “Ibiza Cherub” with VFX by Red Rum, “Google Chrome” from Aaron Duffy and 1st Ave Machine, the Homunculus short from Hydra and Humble, Trichrome Blue by Lois van Baarle, and Pivot from Soulbase, Artibite and Plastiek.

The Bonus Music on Stash 65 is a selection of 10 MP3s from Fake Four Inc., a charasmatic indie label hiding out in New Haven, CT, including new tracks from Myka 9, Lord Fowl, Boy in Static, David Ramos, Ceschi, Tommy V, Gregory Pepper and His Problems and Pretend You’re Happy.

《STASH艺术视频杂志第65期2010年2月刊》Stash Magazine Issue 65 DVD




《STASH艺术视频杂志第65期2010年2月刊》www.rr-sc.com-RRSJ10128.part1.rar (900 MB)
《STASH艺术视频杂志第65期2010年2月刊》www.rr-sc.com-RRSJ10128.part2.rar (900 MB)
《STASH艺术视频杂志第65期2010年2月刊》www.rr-sc.com-RRSJ10128.part3.rar (900 MB)
《STASH艺术视频杂志第65期2010年2月刊》www.rr-sc.com-RRSJ10128.part4.rar (900 MB)
《STASH艺术视频杂志第65期2010年2月刊》www.rr-sc.com-RRSJ10128.part5.rar (675.35 MB)


《STASH艺术视频杂志第65期2010年2月刊》Stash Magazine Issue 65 DVD VIP独享高速地址.txt (503 Bytes, 下载次数: 35)



munhann 发表于 2013-3-26 14:53:24 | 显示全部楼层
voluudcz 发表于 2013-3-27 20:40:47 | 显示全部楼层
tipcat 发表于 2013-3-27 22:07:56 | 显示全部楼层
watermalon 发表于 2013-3-30 20:12:50 | 显示全部楼层
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wan22m 发表于 2013-4-3 09:04:58 | 显示全部楼层
小熊熊VIP会员 年费VIP会员 发表于 2013-4-21 02:21:29 | 显示全部楼层
ioiboy 发表于 2013-6-3 17:40:36 | 显示全部楼层
支持 定~~~~~感谢发布如此精彩的CG资源 《STASH艺术视频杂志第65期2010年2月刊》Stash Magazine Issue 65 DVD
rrsc838145830 发表于 2013-6-21 12:39:57 | 显示全部楼层
楼主加油,人人素材加油!《STASH艺术视频杂志第65期2010年2月刊》Stash Magazine Issue 65 DVD
浣熊Arvin 发表于 2013-10-25 11:33:29 | 显示全部楼层
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