当今大型电影绝伦的特效,不禁让你要惊叹其合成的逼真与强大!!fxphd 教育机构出品的教程,相信大家都知道,都为业界的高端教程。
PFTrack 是 Pixel Farm 研究开发的成象物体跟踪软件(人工智能在图象处理中研究应用)。它包括一些独特的功能,如:光场流分析(Optical Flow analysis)工具, 先进的物体跟踪, 几何形体跟踪, 基于场景分析的物体建模, 自动景深(Z)提取, 等等。
PFT203 - PFTrack 2011: Tracking Challenges
fxphd’s popular camera tracking specialist Victor Wolansky teaches this third PFTrack in production course continuing his tendency to tackle only the most difficult shots. You’re sure to pick up a ton of new, high-end techniques for both object and camera tracking.
Class 1: Using the auto tracker node, cleaning the auto trackers by solving parts, the importance of initial frames and prep for geometry construction.
Class 2: Image modeling, one of the key features of PFTrack.
Class 3: Calibrating multiple cameras, with and without motion, and important step for object tracking and mocap tracking.
Class 4: Object tracking from multiple cameras, perfect combination for more accuracy and automatic sizing of the tracked object.
Class 5: Geometry tracking. Using geometry, OBJ and FBX to track an object, or camera. A non-conventional tracking that can save a lot of time in some cases.
Class 6: Geometry tracking, a new kind, tracking non rigid objects and deformations.
Class 7: Texture extraction, new tools with proper UV mapping.
Class 8: Stereo tracking techniques.
Class 9: Tracking water.
Class 10: An experiment on facial tracking and replacement.
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