As you know, Z4R2 is a major upgrade to ZBrush and we are thrilled with the possibilities it offers you as an artist.
Your feedback since the release of Z4R2 indicates that you have been as excited as we are!
- Click Here to view the Z4R2's feature list.
- 点击这里查看Z4R2的功能列表。
- Click Here to view video tutorials demonstrating Z4R2's features.
- 点击这里观看Z4R2的功能视频教程演示。
- Click Here to view artwork created by Z4R2's beta testers.
- 点击这里查看Z4R2的beta测试者创建的艺术品。
Now that Z4R2 has been put to the test by ZBrush users on many different system configurations and workflows, we found some 'rough corners' which we would like to polish. Therefore, we have released an update patch allowing you to take full advantage of the powerful features in Z4R2 now, without having to wait until Z5 is released.
But that's not all! ZBrush4 R2b also includes exciting new features that are designed to push your artwork to ever greater heights!
但是这还不是全部!ZBrush4 R2B还包括令人兴奋的新功能,旨在推动您的作品到达更高的顶峰!
- FiberMesh to create true 3D fibers, fur and hair which may be sculpted, painted, UV mapped and even exported to other applications.
- FiberMesh创建真正的3D纤维,毛皮和头发都可以雕刻,绘画,UV映射乃至导出到其它应用程序。
- New set of dedicated FiberMesh "Groom" brushes and corresponding Brush settings.
- 新预设FiberMesh专用的“Groom”笔刷和相应的笔刷设置。
- MicroMesh support to render fibers or single polygons as another 3D object.
- “细微网格”支持呈现为另一种3D对象的纤维或单一多边形。
- New set of BPR filters and operators to greatly improve your final ZBrush renders.
- 新预设的BPR过滤器和运算,极大的提高您的ZBrush最终渲染质量。
- BPR Global Shadow and Ambient Occlusion settings which simplify shadow management.
- BPR全局阴影和环境闭塞的设置,它简化了阴影管理。
- New Cavity Mixer which to define different material shaders based on the mesh cavities.
- 新型控混频器,定义不同的材质着色器基于网格置换。
- Improved small details creation through Alpha and Mask. Alphas may be placed using TransPose.
- 改进的小细节,通过Alpha和遮罩创作。Alphas可使用变换改变位置。
- Surface Smoothness feature detects mesh curvature for Mask creation.
- 表面平滑度功能检测遮罩创建的网格曲度。
- New global deformation with Transpose Curve deformation and UnClip.
- 新的全局变换曲线变形和UnClip变形。
- Improved Mask operations with Shrink and Extend.
- 改进遮罩操作与缩小/扩大。
- Topology editing additions: Group Mask and Edgeloop Mask Border.
- 拓扑编辑增加:组的遮罩和循环边的遮罩边框。
- New JPEG Exporter with Crop, Preview and adjustment settings.
- 新的JPEG格式导出、裁剪、预览和调整设置。
- Numerous improvements such as storing shadow information based on the camera point of view, preview of mesh Extraction, Auto Adjust Mode for perspective… and a lot more.
- 以及许许多多的改进,如相机视图点为基础的存储阴影信息,网格提取预览,用于透视的自动调整模式。。。及许多许多!
Last but not least… In Z4R2b you'll find two palettes that require the use of a plugin. One of these plugins, the NoiseMaker, was previously announced and will be coming your way within a couple weeks. The other is now being announced for the first time and is code named: QRemesher .
最后但并非最不重要。。。在Z4R2b,你会发现两个调色板需要使用一个插件。这些插件在NoiseMaker中,并将于未来几个星期内发布。另外就是现在首次公布,代号为: QRemesher 的计划。——PS:有可能就是传说中的自动拓扑(类似新版3D-COAT那样吧!)
is result of the collective efforts of both Pixologic and Verold. As it’s name suggests, it is a remeshing solution both automatic and guided. Stay tuned, for a February pre-release Alpha version of QRemesher, available for download and preview inside ZBrush 4R2b. Once completed, QRemesher will be available for purchase and download at Pixologic.com.
More news, and exciting updates will be made available in the weeks to follow. We look forward to seeing all of your exciting new artistic pursuits on the ZBrush Central Forum. 更多新闻,和令人兴奋的更新将在几周内提供参照,我们期待着看到所有令人振奋的新的艺术作品能够继续发布在ZBrush的中央论坛上。
ZBrush4 R2b is a free update for all registered ZBrush users.
ZBrush4 R2B提供给所有注册的ZBrush用户免费更新。
- For anyone who already has ZBrush 4R2 installed, an Updater is available now in the Pixologic Download Center. Please carefully read the instructions that are provided with the Updater.
- 对于那些已经安装ZBrush 4 R2,Pixologic下载中心现已提供更新补丁可供下载,请仔细阅读与更新提供的说明。
- If you cannot install version 4R2 (because you never upgraded to it or did not save your installer), you will not be able to use the Updater. Instead, please submit a ticket in the Support Center. Choose the "Upgrades" department when prompted. Be sure to include any information that can help us locate your account so that we can assist you promptly.
- 如果您无法安装4R2版本(假设你怎么都无法升级到或系统没有保存您的安装),你将无法使用该更新。相反,请在支持中心提交问题,出现提示时,选择“升级”处。请一定要完整填写正确信息,这样可以帮助我们找到您的帐户。以便我们可以帮助您及时解决问题。
- New purchasers of ZBrush will receive version 4R2b directly and will not need to update.
- 新购买未安装任何版本ZBrush的买家将直接接收4R2b版本,并不需要安装更新补丁。
- Floating license customers will receive an email with special upgrade instructions before the end of January.
- 一月底之前浮动授权的客户将收到一封电子邮件,与特殊升级说明。
Documentation for the new version is installed with ZBrush 4R2b. You will find a Documentation folder within your ZBrush 4R2b folder, containing PDF files covering the new features in ZBrush 4, 4R2 and 4R2b. Online documentation is available at www.pixologic.com/docs/ . We will also be adding new movies to the Education section atwww.pixologic.com to demonstrate the new features and their use.
Should any issues arise, we have posted an
FAQ and Troubleshooting thread for ZBrush 4R2b HERE
Happy ZBrushing!
《ZBrush官方全面训练视频教程》Pixologic ZBrush Zclassrom Complete Training 2012 https://www.rrcg.cn/thread-16435555-1-1.html