本软件是关于InnovMetric PolyWorks Metrology Suite 2020三维3D测量软件IR7版,大小:1.4 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。RRCG分享
PolyWorks Metrology Suite是由InnovMetric出品的一款功能强大的通用3D测量软件解决方案。它完美地将3D测量技术集成到工业制造过程中,可以控制整个过程,为用户提供了完善的计量解决方案。PolyWorks MS 2019定义了3D测量的最前沿,在将3D测量技术集成到工业制造过程中时,可最大限度地提高生产率,质量和盈利能力。可以实时有效地处理来自3D扫描仪的大量数据。由于其模块化架构,该软件涵盖了大量应用:触摸测量系统的单点检测,扫描数据处理和CAD模型的数据比较或完整的逆向工程,也就是CAD模型创建。PolyWorks Metrology Suite 2019版,这个最新的主要版本提供新的对象测量脚本,可在标准PolyWorks工作流程中实现客户的所有自定义测量技术,以及新的辅助排序方法,有望大大加快设置CMM序列的速度。你可以借助强大的对象测量脚本,在任何生产环境中部署PolyWorks|Inspector™。在增强了简单性的同时还节省了宝贵的时间,凭借其出色的创新,PolyWorks Metrology Suite能够将用户的工作效率提升到一个新的高度。
PolyWorks (PW) is a multifunctional software manufactured by InnovMetricSoftwareInc., Used to process laser scanning data: reverse engineering, product geometry control, architecture tasks, deformation monitoring of the earth’s surface and many others. The PolyWorks software package allows you to efficiently and quickly work with very large amounts of data. PolyWorks consists of several modules and has a wide range of tools that simplify and accelerate the work with data. It is important to note that the complex allows you to work with data obtained from three-dimensional scanners of all known brands. IMAlign
This module is designed for primary data processing.
Initially, data is imported using a terrestrial 3D scanner or data that has already been processed in other programs. Already at this stage, there are some processing possibilities: the data is imported with the specified accuracy (the step of sampling points is specified); data can be filtered by distance.
Primary processing of point clouds: scaling of point clouds; filtering on the subject of coincident points, that is, ordering (points that diverge to distances less than the specified ones are deleted). In the module, you link to the external coordinate system and link the scans.
The program allows you to select the stitching method, which can be divided into: visual stitching methods; on reference objects. And that is not unimportant: the program produces statistics and histograms of association errors, primary polygonal models are created.
Data can be exported in many formats (AC, BRE, PIF, PTX, SURF) and as polygonal models in DXF, IGES.