西门子NX软件是集成产品设计、工程与制造于一体的解决方案,帮助您改善产品质量,提高产品交付速度和效率。 集成的CAD/CAM/CAE:更明智的决策,更出色的产品NX的关键功能助力快速、高效、灵活的产品开发: - 先进的概念设计、三维建模及文档编制解决方案
- 结构、运动、热、流体和多物理应用的多学科仿真
- 涵盖工装、 加工及质量监测的零部件制造解决方案
NX软件使您能够在一个集成的产品开发环境中做出更明智的决策,从而设计、仿真并制造出更好的产品。 NX 的优势NX是业内最完整、灵活且有效的产品设计、工程和制造解决方案。 - 唯一应用同步技术在开放环境下实现灵活设计的解决方案
- 唯一在开发流程中紧密集成多学科仿真的解决方案
- 唯一提供全系列先进零部件制造应用的解决方案
- 与Teamcenter——世界领先的产品生命周期管理(PLM)平台——实现无可比拟的紧密集成
- 只支持win7/win8/win8.1的64位系统
Siemens NX software is an integrated product design, engineering and manufacturing solution that helps you deliver better products faster and more efficiently. Integrated CAD/CAM/CAE: Smarter Decisions, Better ProductsNX provides key capabilities for fast, efficient and flexible product development:
- Advanced solutions for conceptual design, 3D modeling and documentation
- Multi-discipline simulation for structural, motion, thermal, flow and multi-physics applications
- Complete part manufacturing solutions for tooling, machining and quality inspection
NX software help you design, simulate and manufacture better products faster by enabling smarter decisions in an integrated product development environment. The NX AdvantageNX is the industry’s most integrated, flexible and efficient solution for product design, engineering and manufacturing. - No other solution employs synchronous technology for flexible design in an open environment
- No other solution integrates multi-discipline simulation so tightly into the development process
- No other solution offers such a full range of advanced part manufacturing applications
- No other solution is integrated as tightly with Teamcenter, the world’s leading Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)