本教程是由CGCookie机构出品的3dsmax粒子能量炮视频教程,CG Cookie Exclusive Bullet Breaks a Glass,教程使用软件:3dsMax, Particle Flow, FumeFX,Krakatoa,大小:1.03 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,作者:a.cangelosi,语言:英语。人人素材网整理发布。
3D Studio Max,常简称为3ds Max或MAX,是Autodesk公司开发的基于PC系统的三维动画渲染和制作软件。其前身是基于DOS操作系统的3D Studio系列软件,最新版本是2012。在Windows NT出现以前,工业级的CG制作被SGI图形工作站所垄断。3D Studio Max + Windows NT组合的出现一下子降低了CG制作的门槛,首选开始运用在电脑游戏中的人人素材动画制作,后更进一步开始参与影视片的特效制作人人素材,例如X战警II,最后的武士等。
CG Cookie Exclusive Shooting Plasma Energy
In this video for 3ds max we’ll start working at a new Citizen series, and this time we’ll take a look at how we can simulate a Shooting plasma energy gun using Particle Flow, FumeFX and Krakatoa.
In this part of Shooting plasma energy series, we’ll start creating the basic scene environment to work on with fluids and particles. Then we’ll make a simple setup with PFlow to simulate gun “explosion” when the energy ball is coming out of the launcher. We’ll use this particle system as FumeFX source to simulate the dynamic and tweak it for rendering. We’ll work on various parameters to obtain a good basic setup that can be used in animation and for rendering previews. Then we’ll start working at the plasma ball simulation, using a sphere as FumeFX source and tweaking some parameter just to have the possibility to render a preview. In part 2 we’ll focus on this area of the simulation.