ANSA 優秀的有限元前處理軟件 ANSA是一個高性能的有限元前處理器,它具有強大的有限元網格前處理功能,支持結構和流體網格。在處理幾何模型和有限元網格的效率和質量方面,ANSA具有很好的速度、適應性和可定制性,並且模型規模沒有軟件限制,而其他很多有限元前處理軟件在讀取復雜的大規模模型數據時需要很長時間,而且很多情況下並不能夠成功導入模型,致使後續的CAE分析工作無法進行。ANSA強大的幾何處理能力使其可以很快讀取那些結構非常復雜、規模非常龐大的模型數據,從而大大提高了CAE分析工程師的工作效率,也使得很多應用其他前後處理軟件很難解決甚至根本不能解決的問題迎刃而解。
ANSA的主要特點: 網格與幾何相關聯 也就是說對CAD模型所做的修改將會反映到網格模型上, 反之亦然,這樣可以大大提高網格模型創建速度,節省時間。 快速、自動的、高質量的裝配體 網格劃分通過CAD數據文件自動識別焊點,也可在ANSA中快速建立焊點,並對焊點處網格進行自動處理。 與常用求解器兼容性好 ANSA支持如下求解器模板:NASTRAN,ABAQUS,LS-DYNA,PAM-CRASH,RADIOSS,ANSA支持如下求解器輸入/輸出文件:FLUENT,FLUENT 2D,STAR CD,ANASYS 一級菜單係統 通過一到兩次點擊就能完成大部分目標操作,提高建模效率。 強大的汽車行業專用功能 假人布置,螺栓連接,油箱分析,BIW路徑分析…… 用戶要求對該軸承座零件進行網格劃分 在網格劃分中,用到了ANSA強大的六面體劃分、修改、質量檢查、手工編輯等功能 網格模型完成後,六面體單元數為:21414,五面體單元數為:829 最終的網格模型質量較高,滿足用戶的要求。
ANSA is an advanced multidisciplinary CAE pre-processing tool that provides all the necessary functionality for full-model build up, from CAD data to ready-to-run solver input file, in a single integrated environment.
ANSA is the users' preference due to its wide range of features and tools that meet their needs. The list of productive and versatile features is long and the alternative tasks and processes to be completed using them are countless.
BETA CAE Systems S.A. announces the release of ANSA 13.2.4 with new features and known problems resolved
About BETA CAE Systems S.A
BETA CAE Systems S.A., headquartered in Thessaloniki, Greece, is a private engineering software company specialized in the development of state of the art CAE pre- and post-processing software systems.
The company, focusing on meeting and exceeding customers' requirements, is committed to its mission to be the leading force in industrial CAE software solutions.
The company's flagship product, ANSA pre-processor and μETA post- processor package, currently holds a leading position in the CAE software market worldwide. For years now this product sets the standards in many sectors, including automotive, railway, aerospace, motorsports, chemical and academic.
The corporate success is measured by the customer satisfaction through meeting their requirements and sharing the same vision of an industrial environment where CAE dominat.