本书籍是关于质量效应1游戏艺术原画设计书籍,大小:313.50 MB,格式:PDF高清,共313页全彩,语言:英语。人人素材整理发布。
《质量效应(MASS EFFECT)》是欧美RPG梦工厂BioWare继《星球大战:旧共和国武士》和《翡翠帝国》之后,再次为Console玩家献上的一款融入了动作射击要素的科幻题材RPG游戏。《质量效应》在以RPG(角色扮演)为主体的结构中融合了TPS(第三人称射击)的战斗要素,与《杀出重围》、《生化奇兵》等人气作品以动作射击为主,融入RPG元素的做法颇有异曲同工之妙。BioWare的出品向来以严谨、大气的风格著称。不论是画面素质,还是游戏内涵,《质量效应》都不会让喜欢科幻游戏的玩家们失望。
The Art of the Mass Effect
Mass Effect is set in a rich and diverse universe hundreds of years in our future. The challenge of creating a plausible vision for humanity and a galaxy of ancient and exotic alien races was given to BioWare’s talented art and design teams. They began in a formless void and shaped their worlds, their races, and their civilizations to finish with a living breathing setting exclusive to the Xbox 360.
From a massive space citadel whose origins are lost in time to the utilitarian clothing of frontier colonists, each component, whether small or colossal, anomalous or common, within Mass Effect’s universe need to be brought to detailed life.
In this stunning volume, take an exclusive step back to when this universe was still forming in this compilation of art, images, and commentary taken directly from the artists’ sketchbooks as they created the universe of Mass Effect.
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