[C4D] 《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9

rrscteam 发表于 2012-10-1 13:45:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9

本视频教程是由Lynda机构出品的C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9,时长:1小时22分+1小时40分+1小时46分+2小时24分+1小时36分+1小时24分+56分+1小时08分+1小时27分,大小:2.31 GB,教程使用软件:CINEMA 4DR14,作者:Rob Garrott,官方发布日期:2012年9月28日,语言:英语。人人CG整理发布。

Cinema 4D是一套由德国公司Maxon Computer开发的3D绘图软件,以及高的运算速度和强大的渲染插件著称。Cinema 4D 应用广泛,在广告、电影、工业设计、等方面都有出色的表现,例如影片《阿凡达》有花鸦三维影动研究室中国工作人员使用Cinema 4D制作了部分场景,在这样的大片中看到C4D的表现是很优秀的。在其他动画电影中也人人素材网使用到C4D的有很多如《毁灭战士》(Doom)、《范海辛》〈Van Helsing〉、《蜘蛛侠》、以及动画片《极地特快》、《丛林总动员》(Open Season)等等。它正成为许多一流艺术家和电影公司的首选,Cinema 4D已经走向成熟,很多模块的功能在同类软件中是代表科技进步的成果  

《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9

Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-6
Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1 Interface Objects and Hierarchies
CINEMA 4D Essentials with Rob Garrott is a graduated introduction to this complex 3D modeling, rendering, and animation program, which breaks down into installments that can be completed within 2 hours. The first course in the series introduces the CINEMA environment and illustrates the importance of the object hierarchy. Discover how to navigate within your projects; how to configure the application preferences; set up a project properly; and create objects and change their parameters. Rob also explains the different object types and the principles behind creating a model with primitive shapes.

《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9

Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 2 Polygon and Spline Modeling
CINEMA 4D Essentials with Rob Garrott is a graduated introduction to this complex 3D modeling, rendering, and animation program, which breaks down into installments that can be completed within 2 hours. This installment renrencg.cn covers the basics of the 3D modeling toolkit: splines and polygons. Rob reveals the components behind polygonal-modeling (points, edges, and polygons) and how to manipulate them with the tools in CINEMA 4D. He then walks through splines, an alternative to polygons that uses curves to create 3D geometry. The final chapter shows how to combine these techniques by creating a model of a speaker system.

Topics include:
Understanding points, edges, and polygons
Working with the Knife, Extrude, and Bridge tools
Connecting splines
Rounding corners
Extruding paths from Illustrator
Reviewing the polygon and spline modeling workflow
Working with NURBs

《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9

Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 3 Cameras Animation and Deformers
CINEMA 4D Essentials with Rob Garrott is a graduated introduction to this complex 3D modeling, rendering, and animation program, which breaks down into installments that can be completed within 2 hours. Cameras, Animation, and Deformers focuses on the basics of animating in CINEMA 4D, including setting keyframes, moving the camera, and adding movement and interest with deformers. Rob shows how to use these tools to manipulate animations with curves, create varying depth of field and smooth shots, and create warped type and shapes.

Topics include:
What is a keyframe?
Working with the F-Curve Manager
Pausing an animation
Working with the Editor Camera vs. the camera object
Adding movement with a spline wrap
Creating custom shapes with the Melt deformer

《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9

Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 4 Materials Texturing and Lights
CINEMA 4D Essentials with Rob Garrott is a graduated introduction to this complex 3D modeling, rendering, and animation program, which breaks down into installments that can be completed within 2 hours. This course shows how to lend 3D objects color, transparency, and life with materials, textures, and lights. Author Rob Garrott explains how to create a variety of surface textures, from smooth and reflective to bumpy and flat, and how to add dramatic depth and shadows to your scenes with the different light types in CINEMA 4D. The final chapter discusses texturing in 3D with the BodyPaint module, which can also help hide UV seams.

Topics include:
Understanding material channels
Applying materials via projection
Limiting materials with selection tags
Texturing type
Using Falloff to limit the effects of lights
Working with visible or volumetric light
Painting on objects and textures with brushes in BodyPaint
Hiding seams with projection painting

《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9

Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 5 Rendering and Compositing
CINEMA 4D Essentials with Rob Garrott is a graduated introduction to this complex 3D modeling, rendering, and animation program, which breaks down into installments that can be completed within 2 hours. This installment covers the basics of rendering images and animation and compositing those elements and effects together into a single movie. Rob shows how to optimize your render settings and configure batch rendering for maximum efficiency. On the compositing side, he shows how to use the compositing tag and object buffers to create a flawless composite, and how to round-trip assets between CINEMA 4D and After Effects.

Topics include:
How the CINEMA 4D render engine works
Adjusting the render settings
Rendering still images and animation
Setting up multipass rendering
Understanding the linear workflow
Rendering and importing elements from After Effects

《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9

Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 6 HyperNURB Modeling and Sculpting
CINEMA 4D Essentials with Rob Garrott is a graduated introduction to this complex 3D modeling, rendering, and animation program, which breaks down into installments that can be completed within 2 hours. This edition introduces two modeling techniques: HyperNURBS, or subdivision modeling, for creating smooth rounded objects, and sculpting. Rob explains how to set up for each workflow, and how to create basic shapes and then refine them with more detailed tools. The course provides a solid foundation for designers starting to shape their creations in CINEMA 4D.

Topics include:
What are HyperNURBS?
Setting up reference shapes
Creating a shape with the polygonal modeling tools
Connecting shapes and bridging gaps
Refining shapes with knife cuts
Moving points
Working with sculpting layers
Preparing objects for render

《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9

Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 7 MoGraph Modeling and Animation
CINEMA 4D Essentials with Rob Garrott is a graduated introduction to this complex 3D modeling, rendering, and animation program, which breaks down into installments that can be completed within 2 hours. This edition introduces MoGraph, a toolset that allows you to model and animate objects without keyframes, and shows how to use MoGraph to quickly get your characters up and running. The first half of the course covers how to clone existing objects, modify them to suit your needs, and bring them to life with effectors, MoGraph’s special effects. The second half of the course demonstrates how to create movement and abstract animation with MoGraph.

Topics include:
Using the Cloner object
Understanding the MoGraph Selection tool
Animating a logo with the Fracture object
Creating movement with the Time effector
Animating with the Matrix object

《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9

Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 8 Character Rigging and Xpresso
CINEMA 4D Essentials with Rob Garrott is a graduated introduction to this complex 3D modeling, rendering, and animation program, which breaks down into installments that can be completed within 2 hours. Start this installment with a look at Xpresso, a scripting tool that allows you to speed up your workflow by automating control of rigs, animations, and menu commands. This course also covers the basics of character rigging, from binding joints and geometry to adding movement with CMotion.

Topics include:
Linking objects to points in Xpresso
Creating a data slider to control a spline wrap
Controlling multiple objects with a single slider
Understanding the traditional character animation workflow
Using the Character object for building and applying rigs

《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9

Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 9 Particles and Dynamics
CINEMA 4D Essentials with Rob Garrott is a graduated introduction to this complex 3D modeling, rendering, and animation program, which breaks down into installments that can be completed within 2 hours. In this installment, Rob introduces particles, a cluster of objects used to simulate effects like snow, sparks, fog, or fire, and dynamics, which allow you to define how objects interact with their environment. The course covers creating a splash effect with particles, working with more advanced Thinking Particles, and how to understand the difference between the dynamics system’s rigid bodies and soft bodies.

Topics include:
Working with particle forces and the Emitter object
Using Thinking Particles with the MoGraph Tracer
Understanding the Dynamics engine
Combining Thinking Particles with Dynamics
Creating dangling objects with spline dynamics

《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9
《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9  


《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-6》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-6






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wu82VIP会员 永久VIP 发表于 2012-10-1 16:49:10 | 显示全部楼层
感谢发布如此精彩的CG资源 《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9
jeffreypenguin 发表于 2012-10-2 06:30:01 | 显示全部楼层
arb010218 发表于 2012-10-3 09:43:43 | 显示全部楼层
鸟倦飞 发表于 2012-10-3 20:27:43 | 显示全部楼层
sm501212 发表于 2012-10-3 23:56:31 | 显示全部楼层
b8967529 发表于 2012-10-5 21:49:59 | 显示全部楼层
《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9:):):)分享
破弄风雨 发表于 2012-10-5 22:16:39 | 显示全部楼层
jeffreypenguin 发表于 2012-10-6 07:00:56 | 显示全部楼层
ruthnautilus 发表于 2012-10-6 09:54:18 | 显示全部楼层
武二德 发表于 2012-10-8 10:32:52 | 显示全部楼层
感谢发布如此精彩的CG资源 《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9
deson159 发表于 2012-10-8 12:02:38 | 显示全部楼层
deson159 发表于 2012-10-8 13:15:03 | 显示全部楼层
fuxuewu 发表于 2012-10-8 14:58:53 | 显示全部楼层
lizza2012 发表于 2012-10-10 22:28:32 | 显示全部楼层
感谢发布如此精彩的CG资源 《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9
取经 发表于 2012-10-15 08:39:24 | 显示全部楼层
感谢发布如此精彩的CG资源 《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9
kaizoku 发表于 2012-10-15 14:49:25 | 显示全部楼层
感谢发布如此精彩的CG资源 《C4D基础训练教程合辑Vol.1-9》Lynda.com CINEMA 4D Essentials 1-9
影视251501522 发表于 2012-10-15 20:49:41 | 显示全部楼层
月落荆门 发表于 2012-10-16 01:32:28 | 显示全部楼层
如水,如烟 发表于 2012-10-16 17:52:54 | 显示全部楼层
C4D做包装太强大了 很想学习一下
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