本教程是由Lynda出品的Final Cut Pro X色彩校正高级教程,时长:2小时40分,使用软件:Apple Final Cut Pro X,附工程源文件(1.12 GB)。
Final Cut Pro X 在视频剪辑方面进行了大规模更新,新的Magnetic Timeline“磁性时间线”可令多条剪辑片段,如磁铁般吸合在一起。同样,剪辑片段能够自动让位,避免剪辑冲突和同步问题。Clip Connections片段相连功能可将B卷、音效和音乐等元素与主要视频片段链接在一起,Compound Clips可将一系列复杂元素规整折叠起来,Auditions则可将多个备选镜头收集到同一位置,循环播放来挑选最佳镜头。Final Cut Pro X为原生64位软件,基于Cocoa编写,支持多路多核心处理器,支持GPU加速,支持后台渲染,可编辑从标清到4K的各种分辨率视频,ColorSync管理的色彩流水线则可保证全片色彩的一致性。Final Cut Pro X的另一项主要革新是内容自动分析功能,载入视频素材后,系统可在用户进行编辑的过程中,自动在后台对素材进行分析,根据媒体属性标签、摄像机数据、镜头类型,乃至画面中包含的任务数量进行归类整理。
Lynda.com Color Correction in Final Cut Pro X
In this course, author Robbie Carman details the principles of color grading in Final Cut Pro X, while explaining how to enhance and stylize footage. The course spells out the differences between primary and secondary corrections and demonstrates fixing problematic footage with contrast corrections and neutralizing color casts. The course also discusses secondary corrections with shape and color masks and explains how to make projects broadcast safe. Additional topics include evaluating clips using the video scopes, and how to create stylized looks. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
* Understanding the video scopes
* Using Balance Color and Match Color
* Fixing under- and overexposed clips
* Expanding contrast
* Controlling saturation
* Using color and shape masks
* Creating looks with primary and secondary corrections