应用平台:Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
OpenCanvas让使用者在使用电脑绘图时,就像是在纸上手绘一样,可以画出极为细致的图形。 支持绘笔、刷子、图层、过滤和选择等等,最新版支持多达22层的图层模式和更多的滤境.
Draw, Enjoy,and be Fascinated
openCanvas is a paint/drawing software that enables you to record/replay your drawing procedure.
If you use the "Event" function (to replay the drawing process), it is quite easy to find out how an illustration was created!
openCanvas has a simple interface, nice and realistic brush stroke, and various filters/layers/tones.
openCanvas will be suitable for beginners to advanced users.
Draw illustration with openCanvas
"Pen" and "Brush": enables you to create various expressions.
There are various strokes, such as a fountain pen, watercolor, and many more.
You can easily edit your own "Pen" and "Brush" strokes. Also you can apply a saved Bitmap image to "Pen", that will expand your creativity even more.
System Requirements
OS Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
HDD More than 10MB free capacity
CPU x86 Compatible Processor corresponding to SSE2
RAM Recommended Memory Capacity by Operating System
Resolution More than 1024 × 768 pixel
Color Depth More than 32 bit(16,770,000 colors)
Peripherals Wacom tablet