可以在C4D中制作植物枝条藤条生长动画,控制生长时间,状态等,支持C4D联机网络渲染 A little bit IvyGrower, a little bit Greebler. Vinema4D adds procedurally grown and animatable vines to Cinema 4D R16 and newer. IvyGrower users have had some awesome feature requests over time and it took a while between other life-distractions to do the research, do the testing, and work out the details in my head, on paper, and then in practice. Vinema4D is procedural; it is fast, it is configurable, it is multi-processing, and should work with Net/Team Render. There are many features and presets still on the table for this plugin. 安装步骤: - 将Vinema4D_R16_0100拷贝到C4D插件文件夹:C:\Program Files\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R16\plugins
- 运行注册机Kuroyume_Multigen_V2_MUS3.exe,下拉菜单选择Vinema4D 1.00,CINEMA 4D Serial填写你C4D的序列号(怎么查看序列号,打开C4D,菜单栏帮助Help,Personalize个性化,弹窗右侧可以看到C4D序列号),点击Generate,得到插件序列号,用插件的时候输入就行
下载地址 :http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jIfdyrs
(19 Bytes, 下载次数: 53, 售价: 20 枚CG币)