本教程是关于3A级游戏岩石RGB蒙版制作工作流程视频教程,时长:2小时57分,大小:1.1 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Substance Designer,Substance Painter,Zbrush,Maya,附源文件,作者:3DEX,共8个章节,语言:英语。RRCG分享
Substance Designer是Substance贴图工具产品系列之一,它可以帮助美术师高效地创建并且重复应用贴图。Substance Designer是首款能够混合及应用位图, 矢量图和其他元素的专业贴图工具,使用它能够制作复杂的贴图。用Substance Designer制作的贴图具有许多传统位图不具备的优势。后者相对静止且用线性方式制作,而用Substance Designer制作的贴图更具活力,在制作的每个阶段都可以被高度的自定义。
Substance Painter是目前最优秀的次世代游戏贴图绘制软件,该软件提供了构建3D素材所需的所有工具,包括粒子笔刷,可以模拟自然粒子下落,粒子的轨迹形成纹理。当然还包括了Material Painting材质绘制,可以一次绘出所有的材质,同时几秒内便可加入精巧的细节。同时软件支持Linux,8K导出,色彩管理,UDIM管理和脚本API,使Substance Painter与VFX工作流程相结合比以往更容易。Substance Painter拥有一个独特而全面的工具和内容生态系统,围绕3个主要软件组件展开,包括3D绘画软件,可以用画笔,面具和粒子的纹理,呈现并轻松导出到游戏引擎。材料制作软件:用户可以使用非破坏性的,基于节点的,程序化和可编写脚本的工作流程来编写纹理和材质。图像材料生成工具:能够帮助设计人员提取花木PBR纹理并生成法线贴图。
《Substance Painter模型贴图绘制全面核心训练视频教程》中文字幕版:
《Substance Designer全面核心技术训练视频教程》中文字幕版:

In this tutorial, we will go through the entire process of making cliffs for AAA games, using an RGB masked workflow, which gives us the desired texel density at any asset scale.
We start with highpoly sculpting in Zbrush, and end in Unreal, with masks from Substance Painter, and textures from Substance Designer.
1. Introduction
2. HighPoly Workflow Overview
3. HighPoly Voice over Timelapse
4. LowPoly Retopo and UV
5. RGB Mask Workflow Overview
6. Substance Designer Detail texture creation
7. Substance Painter RGB mask creation
8. Outro
Total of 3 hours of video content.
This tutorial is for an intermediate skill level. We do not spend time on basic controls, and it’s assumed the artist is already able to create basic assets. It’s made for busy people who don’t have time to watch 32-hour tutorials, but want a concise guide, step by step, in a relatively short amount of time.
《Substance Painter模型贴图绘制全面核心训练视频教程》中文字幕版:
《Substance Designer全面核心技术训练视频教程》中文字幕版: