本软件是由pixologic机构出品的Zbrush 4R8数字雕刻和绘画软件P2升级版(仅包括升级包),大小:1.1 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。
Pixologic发布了最受欢迎的数字雕塑和造型工具ZBrush 4R8。 许多新功能将在设计时提供更大的自由度,其中最重要的是实时布尔和矢量位移网格,造型工具,高质量多边形雕刻等等。
新功能列表扩展了ZBrush的数字雕刻工作流程。ZBrush 4R8引入了许多其他增强功能,例如新的Gizmo 3D转换工具,Lazy Mouse 2.0和一个新的Text Creator,将允许艺术家通过实时调整创建文本和Logo。 它还提供多种语言,能够创建自己的自定义翻译。
Alpha 3D
Lazy Mouse 2.0
IMM Selector
3D Text & Vector Shape Creator
New LightBox with 3D Content
ZSphere DynaMesh Mode
Alpha Streaks
Brush Magnify
Plugin Updates
ZBrush 4R8现已推出几种语言:英文,中文(简体),法文,德文,日文,韩文和西班牙文。 您可以随时从一种语言切换到另一种语言。 除了正式支持的语言之外,甚至可以创建自己的翻译,与他人共享的自定义翻译。 ZBrush本身已经开发了一个直观而强大的系统来实现这一点。
Masking applied to active SubTool will now be visible while Live Boolean is active.
Mesh dimming for unselected SubTools will now be visible while Live Boolean is active.
Resolved various Brush issues involving Morph Target usage. (Such as the interaction of the ClayTubes Brush with Morph Targets.)
Fixed Brushes not maintaining settings.
Standard Brush now has Adaptive Size set to 0 by default.
Brush Draw Size ‘Dynamic’ mode will now be stored per Brush.
Dynamic Brush Scale (in Preferences) now allows a wider range of values.
Updated GroomClumps Brush to eliminate rendering artifacts.
Curve Brushes using the ‘Dots’ stroke now work with Lazy Mouse.
Brush Classic Axis-lock (Shift modifier) will now be used when Lazy Mouse is toggled Off.
3D Print Hub
Exporting textures with a VRML now supports ‘Selected’ mode.
Resolved issue with the functionality of ‘Move Bounding Axis to Origin.’
STL import now correctly imports color STL files.
Restored missing Material shaders such as: DoubleShader, TriShader and QuadShader.
Resolved issue of Best Render not working if a BPR render was canceled.
Fixed UV stretching when creating Planar UV’s on a model.
LightBox now supports OSX Aliases.
Material Blend Radius now functions correctly.
Restored TransPose Inflate functionality.
Restored TransPose Clip functionality.
Gizmo3D ‘TransPose All Selected SubTools’ now turns off interlaced rendering when not active.
Tray Dividers now require a double-click to open or close. This should prevent accidental clicks closing the trays. (This will affect ZScripts that open/close the Trays. See ZScripting Help forum for more info.)
ZScript command [LoopContinue] now functions appropriately. (ZScripts using [IConfig,4.8] or higher.)
Exporting Displacement Maps in EXR format now support unicode characters.
SubTool palette scroll bar no longer creates a blank SubTool List.
Fixed Ghosting when manipulating models in 3D.
Eliminated Layer artifacts when going in and out of Record mode.
Drawing meshes in 2.5D will now respect Classic Axis-Lock (Shift modifier.)
Fixed custom palette issues pertaining to sliders and shortcuts.
Fixed BPR rendering issues with FiberMesh and edge detection.
ZBrush to Keyshot Bridge is now compatible with Keyshot 7.
![Zbrush 4R8数字雕刻和绘画软件P2升级版 ZBRUSH 4R8 P2 + KEYSHOT BRIDGE WIN Zbrush 4R8数字雕刻和绘画软件P2升级版 ZBRUSH 4R8 P2 + KEYSHOT BRIDGE WIN](https://www.rrcg.cn/data/attachment/forum/201706/16/121125ho6wxjxmo55pjp6z.jpg) ![Zbrush 4R8数字雕刻和绘画软件P2升级版 ZBRUSH 4R8 P2 + KEYSHOT BRIDGE WIN Zbrush 4R8数字雕刻和绘画软件P2升级版 ZBRUSH 4R8 P2 + KEYSHOT BRIDGE WIN](https://www.rrcg.cn/data/attachment/forum/201706/16/121126d0oh5b93mk0m3avb.jpg) ![Zbrush 4R8数字雕刻和绘画软件P2升级版 ZBRUSH 4R8 P2 + KEYSHOT BRIDGE WIN Zbrush 4R8数字雕刻和绘画软件P2升级版 ZBRUSH 4R8 P2 + KEYSHOT BRIDGE WIN](https://www.rrcg.cn/data/attachment/forum/201706/16/121127fyj78i8mty6jzjil.jpg) ![Zbrush 4R8数字雕刻和绘画软件P2升级版 ZBRUSH 4R8 P2 + KEYSHOT BRIDGE WIN Zbrush 4R8数字雕刻和绘画软件P2升级版 ZBRUSH 4R8 P2 + KEYSHOT BRIDGE WIN](https://www.rrcg.cn/data/attachment/forum/201706/16/121127c6d6lvc396ovj5lm.jpg) ![Zbrush 4R8数字雕刻和绘画软件P2升级版 ZBRUSH 4R8 P2 + KEYSHOT BRIDGE WIN Zbrush 4R8数字雕刻和绘画软件P2升级版 ZBRUSH 4R8 P2 + KEYSHOT BRIDGE WIN](https://www.rrcg.cn/data/attachment/forum/201706/16/121128cyei03a04aiaiy0r.jpg)