本插件是关于Filter forge滤镜预设库PS插件V7.007版,大小:90 MB,支持Win系统,语言:英语。
Filter Forge是一个允许用户使用基于节点的视觉化编辑器制作属于自己的滤镜的Photoshop插件。所有的滤镜都是可调节和可编辑的,并且无缝平铺、独立分辨率和支持HDRI照明。滤镜还可以自动生成漫反射、镜面高光、凹凸和法线贴图。
Filter Forgr是一个滤镜、特效、贴图生成工具!可以用来制作类似于ps一样的滤镜,创建自己的滤镜库,生成程序纹理,制作特效纹理等,是一个小巧高效的软件,我们在进行数字绘画,或者做3d动画的时候经常为找不到一些贴图而烦恼,尤其是满足不同通道需求的纹理,比如凹凸、法线等等,使用它可以方便的生成分层的程序型纹理,非常实用,包括画画时所需要的一些纹理叠加特效,另外对于照片处理和2d设计的需求,如果你觉得ps里面的滤镜都不够你用的话,你可以自己设计和制作自己的滤镜.
Filter Forge视频教程:https://www.rrcg.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=16723591
The final version of Filter Forge 7.0 is now available! It features improved rendering engine that speeds up image processing, adds support for copying and pasting image from and into Filter Forge, improves the logic of render map export, and updates over 40 components. It also includes support for the latest host applications and OS versions. New Features Added in Filter Forge 7:
New Sample Cache Architecture Speeds Up Rendering
Rendering speed has always been a concern for many Filter Forge users. Filter Forge 7.0 brings in improvements to sample caching that can speed up lots of filters.
Instant Component Search
New instant component search makes adding components to your filter faster and easier.
Mappable Lists and Sliders
Filter Forge 7.0 refreshes 47 existing components, making their list and slider inputs mappable. It simplifies filter creation and gives authors more room for creativity.
Copy / Paste
Filter Forge 7.0 adds support for copying and pasting images that allows you to use Filter Forge together with any image editor regardless of its support for plugins.
New Approach to Channels
Thanks to the recent renderer rewrite, Filter Forge 7 brings in the ability to generate all render channels simultaneously and in parallel with the final image. You can now preview the channels being rendered and quickly switch between them without restarting rendering.
Easy Export
The new Export dialog implements the long-awaited option to export multiple render channels at once. You can select specific images for export and fine-tune their export settings.
Filter Forge视频教程:https://www.rrcg.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=16723591