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本教程是关于商业级酒瓶酒杯高端产品摄影实例训练视频教程,时长:19小时,大小: 14 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附源文件,作者:ROB GRIMM,共37章节,语言:英语。
In this tutorial, you will see Rob’s entire process for creating beverage images by breaking the composition down into its parts and obsessing over the details. You will learn the foundations of beverage photography from capturing a bottle on white, photographing cocktails including drink styling, proper use of ice, realistic condensation, creating appetite and appeal, and the use of duratrans to make an image that appears to be shot on-location with all the control of a studio. Rob will share with you his method for generating portfolio ideas that will make you rethink your entire approach to creating images. Finally, world-renowned retoucher Earth Oliver, will walk you through the best methods to bring polish to your images that stand out from the crowd.