[调色软件] 《红巨星魔法调色系列软件集合11.1.2版更新 32/64位破解版》Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 11.1.2

rrscteam 发表于 2011-12-18 13:11:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题

魔法调色系列软件集合11.1.2版更新  32/64位破解版,After Effects CS3,CS4,CS5,CS5.5及其它相关软件。


魔术子弹11套房包括以下插件:神奇的子弹Colorista II带来的高端彩色系统的力量到您的桌面。第一次,你可以在您最喜爱的编辑应用程序执行的专业颜色分级与它们之间一致的,质量的结果。 Colorista易于使用的界面同样是很好的快速调整的最后期限或没有限制finessing素材。使用容易调节平衡和亮度的3路轮;一个强大的用于精确编辑的新抠像;和电源口罩隔离区完美整理。无论你是一个色彩专家,或一个有抱负的调色,Colorista II将重新定义如何制片人到处做色彩校正。
妙法科斯莫1.0是您完美的高清特写镜头,魅力拍摄和减少年龄在屏幕上的人才的秘密武器。让一个30岁的模型,一个40出头的女演员和50多个行政外观同样出色 - 录像快速,专业的化妆品清理工具 - 甚至比她想象的要好。科斯莫平滑的皮肤色调,软化问题的领域和我们的Colorista二技术支持与简约之美滑块修复瑕疵。它的默认设置都是经过仔细挑选,使你的主题很好看。我们努力,所以您不必... “导致一天结束,每个人都需要一个小宇宙。

神奇的子弹降噪1.0 - 国家的最先进的视频降噪开箱。不要满足于在嘈杂的视频。神奇的子弹降噪这一切 - 专业没什么大惊小怪的结果。传统的噪声去除方法可以模糊精致的细节,但降噪的先进技术保留,同时消除噪音的定义。

神奇的子弹框架1.1 - 隔行扫描视频24P电影看。与普通的隔行扫描视频的开始,魔术子弹帧的应用复杂的算法,你会得到平滑,专业的反交错24p电影的期待。运动自适应和现场混合的方法之间进行选择,并在编辑器的时间轴,你会得到高速高品质的画面。

妙法即时HD 1.2 - 水晶般清晰的高清一按!现在包括Resizer的。即时HD上转换成多种高清视频格式的DV视频。从预设决议列表中选择容易融入你的下一个高清晰度生产的DV视频。缩放时,从标准清晰度(SD)到高清晰度(HD),即时高清的算法生成综合激化和尖锐,里面你最喜欢的视频应用了明显成效抗锯齿失踪像素。

妙法看起来2.0 - 色彩效果设置为您的故事的心情。颜色设置你的故事的心情,从一个动作场景的坚韧不拔的蓝色,一​​个热的红色浪漫,灵丹妙药看起来2重新定义你如何设计与色彩。看起来2,保持心脏和灵魂,看起来1,同时升级到一个更复杂的接口,简化的工具,和预置,满足您的生产需求。像Colorista II分级,科斯莫皮肤校正和智能范围分析的强大的新控件为您的视频或电影,寻找灵感。从一个巨大的图书馆专业设计预设的范围,从实际的照明场景程式化好莱坞治疗选择。看起来2带来了高端的颜色,完成预算的任何项目。

妙法MOJO 1.2 - 在几秒钟内看现代好莱坞大片。现在你可以有一个好莱坞最好的你自己的衣袖技巧。现代大片经常使用一种微妙的着色效果热身演员的皮肤色调,而背景和阴影凉爽的蓝色治疗 - 但关键是要做到这一点,同时保持你的才华在重点。妙法MOJO为您提供了易于定制的控制,这在几秒钟内的现代好莱坞的外观,以适应任何镜头。

妙法PhotoLooks 1.5 - ,你的照片是值得一千元看起来。无论您是在摄影棚还是在现场拍摄,PhotoLooks是一个强大的新应用程序,让您操作和与光的实验,同时保留必要的摄影细节。与Photoshop,Lightroom的光圈或自身使用。先进的预置和定制的工具可以很容易控制照明条件和创建程式化的影响。和运行,马上与你的现实生活中与您的相机的经验启发的工具。从普通的一个热带海滩或沙漠日出的照片,或使用快门条纹或前卫看起来漂白旁路的影响。设置合适的气氛,适合人像拍摄的,坦率的婚纱拍摄,商业或美术摄影。随着PhotoLooks,“黄金时段”,可以随时随地你想。

最新消息- 2011年的新版本包括科斯莫美容工具,功能齐全看起来2升级,和磨床1.5升级。- 按揭证券11.1更新包括有益的修复看起来和Colorista二,随着外表2的索尼拉斯维加斯Pro的兼容性。- 易于安装!单Suite安装,使用所有产品的序列号保存的时间和精力。- 看起来2.0.4现在可用。这个免费更新修复了一个拉斯维加斯Pro的32位国外系统的错误。

PhotoLooks 1.5.2:- 那些你一起整套安装PhotoLooks可能已经注意到看起来抽屉,恰巧是空的,显示的类别 - 发生这种情况因为外表看起来2.0使用新的工具和不PhotoLooks可用(还)创建。现在的东西固定,所以你不会看到一堆空的类别 - 看起来你想的只有类别。- “另存为图片”的照片LooksBuilder从来没有为了留在应用程序中,并没有正常工作。它已经完全去除。使用主机应用程序启动从储存影像PhotoLooks。- 对于那些你们谁也使用QuickLooks的,有安装程序中的错误,将导致所有您QuickLooks预设安装PhotoLooks后消失。这是固定的了。

看起来2.0.4:- 对于你使用那些看起来2.0在索尼的拉斯维加斯PRO在非英语的32位Windows系统,我们已经修复了真正恼人的OMP的错误,屏幕上弹出。

Colorista二1.0.5:- 在Premiere Pro中,拖动权力的面具预览大纲是不排队与实际的面具。我们整理了这一切出来,它的伟大的工作。
磨床1.5.1:- 时间码开始设置始终工作在“连续”模式 - “复位”和“一天的时间”被忽视 - 所有固定。- 选择“原版+时间码”为主要形式的选择是造成了100倍的时间码。我们得到的数学工作,现在,你会得到你要找的结果。

降噪1.0:- 降噪将暂时删除的妙法套房。的11.1.2版本,它已被删除,不能再通过安装该套件安装。我们正在非常接近降噪we'be内部的发展,将得到我们能尽快到位!
系统要求:视窗:- Windows XP的32位和64位,Vista 32位和64位,32位和64位- 奔腾4 2.4 GHz或更快(或AMD等值)- 1 GB的RAM
主机兼容性:- 的Adobe后效果CS5.5,CS5,CS4,CS3中,7,6.5- 的Adobe的Premiere Pro CS5.5,CS5,CS4,CS3中,7,6.5- Avid的

Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 11.1.2 (x32/x64)

Magic Bullet Suite 11 is the newest, hottest release of definitive toolkit that brings professional tools to filmmakers everywhere. Designed by seasoned colorist and film director Stu Maschwitz, this Suite produces professional Hollywood-style results on an indie budget. Its nine essential tools let you capture the emotion of your subject, making your footage more personal and compelling. With the addition of Looks version 2 and our new Cosmo plug-in for easy skin smoothing, MBS 11 keeps outdoing itself, giving you more expert products at an even greater savings. Whether you are creating a color treatment, color grading, adding a beauty pass or removing noise, Magic Bullet Suite helps you create the final look that tells your story perfectly.

Magic Bullet Suite 11 includes following plug-ins:
Magic Bullet Colorista II brings the power of high-end color systems to your desktop. For the first time, you can perform professional color grading in your favorite editing applications and move between them with consistent, quality results. Colorista's easy-to-use interface is equally good for quick adjustments on a deadline or finessing your footage without limitations. Use the 3-Way Wheels for easy adjustment of balance and luminance; a powerful new Keyer for precision editing; and Power Masks to isolate an area for perfect finishing. Whether you are a color expert or an aspiring colorist, Colorista II will redefine how filmmakers everywhere do color correction.

Magic Bullet Cosmo 1.0 is your secret weapon for perfect HD closeups, glamor shots and age reduction in onscreen talent. Make a 30-year-old model, a 40-something actress and a 50-plus executive look equally terrific - and even better than she had imagined possible - with this quick, professional cosmetic cleanup tool for your video footage. Cosmo smooths skin tones, softens problem areas and fixes blemishes with simple beauty sliders powered by our Colorista II technology. Its default settings were carefully chosen to make your subject look great immediately. We worked hard so you don't have to... 'cause by the end of the day, everybody needs a little cosmo.

Magic Bullet Denoiser 1.0 - State-of-the-art video noise reduction, out of the box. Don't settle for noisy video. Magic Bullet Denoiser does it all - professional results with no fuss. Traditional noise removal methods can blur fine detail, but Denoiser's advanced technology retains definition while eliminating noise.

Magic Bullet Frames 1.1 - Give interlaced video the 24p look of film. Start with ordinary interlaced video, apply Magic Bullet Frames' sophisticated algorithms, and you'll get the smoother, professional de-interlaced look of 24p film. Choose between motion-adaptive and field-blended approaches, and you'll get high quality footage at high speeds, right in your editor's timeline.

Magic Bullet Instant HD 1.2 - Crystal-clear HD with one click! Now includes Resizer. Instant HD up-converts DV video into a variety of HD video formats. Choose from a list of preset resolutions to easily integrate DV video into your next High Definition production. When scaling from standard definition (SD) to high definition (HD), Instant HD's algorithms generate the missing pixels with integrated sharpening and anti-aliasing for sharp, clear results inside your favorite video application.

Magic Bullet Looks 2.0 - Color effects that set the mood for your story. Color sets the mood of your story, from the gritty blue of an action scene to a hot red romance, and Magic Bullet Looks 2 redefines how you design with color. Looks 2 keeps the heart and soul of Looks 1 while upgrading to a more sophisticated interface, streamlined tools, and presets that meet your production needs. Find inspiration for your video or film with powerful new controls like Colorista II grading, Cosmo skin correction and smart scope analysis. Choose from a huge library of professionally designed presets that range from practical lighting scenarios to stylized Hollywood treatments. Looks 2 brings high end color finishing to a project of any budget.

Magic Bullet Mojo 1.2 - The look of a modern Hollywood blockbuster in seconds. Now you can have one of Hollywood’s best tricks up your own sleeve. Modern blockbusters often use a subtle coloring effect to warm up actors' skin tones while backgrounds and shadows get a cool blue treatment - but the trick is to do it while keeping your talent in focus. Magic Bullet Mojo gives you this modern Hollywood look in seconds, with easy customizable controls to suit any footage.

Magic Bullet PhotoLooks 1.5 - Your photo is worth a thousand looks. Whether you shoot in the studio or on location, PhotoLooks is a powerful new application that lets you manipulate and experiment with light while preserving essential photographic detail. Use it with Photoshop, Lightroom or Aperture or on its own. Sophisticated presets and customizable tools make it easy to control lighting conditions and create stylized effects. Get up and running right away with tools inspired by your real-life experience with your camera. Take your photos from ordinary to a tropical beach or desert sunrise, or use effects like shutter streak or bleach bypass for edgier looks. Set the right mood for portraits, candid wedding shots, commercial or fine art photography. With PhotoLooks, "golden hour" can be anytime you like.

What's New
- New 2011 releases include Cosmo cosmetic tool, full-featured Looks 2 upgrade, and Grinder 1.5 upgrade.
- MBS 11.1 update includes helpful fixes for Looks 2 and Colorista II, along with Looks 2 compatibility for Sony Vegas Pro.
- Easy installation! Save time and effort with a Single Suite installer that uses one serial number for all products.
- Looks 2.0.4 is now available. This free update fixes a bug for Vegas Pro 32bit on foreign systems.

Hi-lights of Magic Bullet Suite 11.1.2:

PhotoLooks 1.5.2:
- Those of you installing PhotoLooks along with the entire suite may have noticed categories that show up in the Looks drawer that happen to be empty - this occurs because Looks created for Looks 2.0 used new tools and aren’t usable in PhotoLooks (yet). Things fixed up for now so you wont see a bunch of empty categories - only categories that have Looks you want.
- "Save Image As" in the Photo LooksBuilder was never meant to be left in the application and was not working correctly. It has been removed completely. Use the host app you launch PhotoLooks from to save your images.
- For those of you who also use QuickLooks, there was a bug in the installer that would cause all of your QuickLooks presets to disappear after installing PhotoLooks. This fixed up.

Looks 2.0.4:
- For those of you using Looks 2.0 in Sony’s Vegas Pro on non-English 32-bit Windows systems, we’ve fixed up the truly annoying OMP error that pops up on your screen.

Colorista II 1.0.5:
- In Premiere Pro, dragging the power mask preview outline was not lining up with the actual mask. We’ve sorted this all out and it’s working great.

Grinder 1.5.1:
- The Timecode Start setting was always working in ‘Continuous’ mode - ‘Reset’ and ‘Time of Day’ were being ignored - all fixed up.
- Choosing "Original + Timecode" as the main format option was causing the timecode to be off by a factor of 100. We’ve got the math all working now and you’ll get the results you’re looking for.

Denoiser 1.0:
- Denoiser will be temporarily removed from the Magic Bullet Suite. As of the 11.1.2 release, it has been removed and can no longer be installed through the suite installer. We’re getting really close with the Denoiser we’be been developing in-house and will get it in place as soon as we can!

System Requirements:
- Windows XP 32-bit and 64-bit, Vista 32-bit and 64-bit, 7 32-bit and 64-bit
- Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or faster (or AMD equivalent)
- 1 GB of RAM

Host Compatibility:
- Adobe After Effects CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3, 7, 6.5
- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3, 7, 6.5
- Avid
- Sony Vegas Pro

Information about the program
Title: Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite
Version: 11.1.2
Year: 2011
Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7
Language: english
Medicine: keys
Size: 135 Mb

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zjm19710212 发表于 2011-12-21 05:42:19 | 显示全部楼层
白羽寒鸦 发表于 2011-12-21 10:59:20 | 显示全部楼层
zctws 发表于 2011-12-24 08:42:50 | 显示全部楼层
好东西啊!《红巨星魔法调色系列软件集合11.1.2版更新 32/64位破解版》Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 11.1.2《红巨星魔法调色系列软件集合11.1.2版更新 32/64位破解版》Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 11.1.2:D
王朋阳 发表于 2011-12-28 00:33:23 | 显示全部楼层
王朋阳 发表于 2011-12-28 00:33:56 | 显示全部楼层
王朋阳 发表于 2011-12-28 00:56:12 | 显示全部楼层
lyp268 发表于 2011-12-30 10:00:45 | 显示全部楼层
mggfx 发表于 2012-1-16 09:37:56 | 显示全部楼层
《红巨星魔法调色系列软件集合11.1.2版更新 32/64位破解版》Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 11.1.2:):):):)
643843 发表于 2012-2-26 20:58:32 | 显示全部楼层
星星 发表于 2012-3-1 23:15:11 | 显示全部楼层
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xiaoyu 发表于 2012-4-7 01:27:33 | 显示全部楼层
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好东西   继续要啊···赶紧收藏
sevtwo 发表于 2012-6-19 08:08:20 | 显示全部楼层
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感恩无私的分享与奉献 《红巨星魔法调色系列软件集合11.1.2版更新 32/64位破解版》Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 11.1.2
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