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[渲染软件] NVIDIA Iray Server渲染引擎V3.3 334300.2780版

抱着猫的老鼠 发表于 2021-4-21 10:04:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
NVIDIA Iray Server渲染引擎V3.3 334300.2780版


本软件是关于NVIDIA Iray Server渲染引擎V3.3 334300.2780版,大小:1 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。RRCG分享

Iray Server是一款功能强大的渲染工具,使用能够帮助用户缩短渲染时间并简化工作流程,Iray Server将协调一组联网机器以实现这一目标。运行 Iray Server 的计算机能够相互协调,从而可缩短渲染图像所需的时间,不管是光线的模拟还是材质的模拟,都可快速的渲染出逼真的影像且无需具备计算机的图形技术、专家级的知识,需要的朋友不要错过了!

NVIDIA® Iray Server 是一款软件解决方案,可在联网的计算机上提供分布式 Iray 渲染。 它利用常见的安装与许可的方式来为所有 NVIDIA Iray 插件产品提供传统离线批量渲染和互动渲染,无需安装任何其它应用。

运行 Iray Server 的所有计算机能够互相协调,以缩短渲染一幅图像所需的时间。 与单一计算机相比,这让渲染集群仅用一丁点的时间即可处理海报大小的图像。 中央管理控制台还让用户能够灵活地控制所提交的任务,能够调整和重新运行过去的任务。

Iray Server 还通过与你的 Iray 应用相结合、在你操作场景时以流的形式返回渲染结果,从而能够加快你的创作过程。 很快,即便是性能平平的笔记本也能运行 Iray,而且运行速度堪比用户最强大的渲染配置。

Iray Server 将会有 Windows 和 Linux 两种版本,能够与 Iray 客户端计算机协调工作,不论客户端计算机采用的是哪一种操作系统。



NVIDIA Iray Server渲染引擎V3.3 334300.2780版 NVIDIA Iray Server渲染引擎V3.3 334300.2780版 NVIDIA Iray Server渲染引擎V3.3 334300.2780版 NVIDIA Iray Server渲染引擎V3.3 334300.2780版 NVIDIA Iray Server渲染引擎V3.3 334300.2780版

NVIDIA® Iray® Server is a multi-user, distributed rendering solution that focuses on flexibility and ease of use without sacrificing performance. You connect to Iray Server by using an Iray-compatible application.
You can use Iray Server for two purposes:
Queue Rendering: To upload a scene from a client application to Iray Server for offline rendering.
Iray Server maintains a queue of rendering jobs. After a rendering job is uploaded to Iray Server it is added to the queue. All jobs in the queue are rendered, one after the other, without further involvement from the client application. A client application can, in fact, be disconnected from Iray Server after submitting jobs.
Rendering results are stored by Iray Server. You can retrieve these results from the file system or by using a web browser.
Streaming: To offload interactive rendering from the client application to Iray Server. The client application performs no rendering operations. All rendering is performed on the machine where Iray Server is running. Images are streamed back to the client application.
Offload rendering makes sense when Iray Server is running on more capable hardware or when you want for free up GPUs and CPUs on your local machine. The only differences you may notice when offloading rendering is potentially faster rendering and less resource usage locally. Any changes you make to a scene from the client application are immediately reflected in the images streamed back from Iray Server.
All asset management is automatically performed by the client application and Iray Server. You do not need to manually upload any scene assets such as textures, materials, light profiles and so on. This is true, even when assets on the client are changed.
Iray Server is designed for efficient performance across a range of client-server configurations:
When a client application is based in the same local area network (LAN) as the machine Iray Server is running on
When Iray Server is running on a machine in a different network, or even in a different country. Both the upload of the scene and the streaming of the rendered images are designed to minimize the usage of your Internet bandwidth.
To minimize network and Internet usage, the client application analyzes the active scene when it connects to Iray Server. The client application only sends parts of the scene and scene assets which have not been rendered previously on this particular Iray Server installation. Uploads are independent of any naming, scene usage, or instancing conventions that are used.
This approach has a number of important benefits for you:
It minimizes upload times.
It makes interactive usage quite fluid.
It liberates you from asset management.
It guarantees that what you render locally will match what you get from Iray Server.



风去云来 发表于 2021-4-21 10:12:01 | 显示全部楼层
精品学习资源,我都好喜欢呀!NVIDIA Iray Server渲染引擎V3.3 334300.2780版
三尼 发表于 2021-4-21 10:16:31 | 显示全部楼层
shoujingVIP会员 永久VIP 发表于 2021-4-21 10:34:22 | 显示全部楼层

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