[Unreal Engine] Unreal Engine中C++开发制作游戏完全培训训练视频教程

抱着猫的老鼠 发表于 2021-1-4 12:17:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
Unreal Engine中C++开发制作游戏完全培训训练视频教程


本教程是关于Unreal Engine中C++开发制作游戏完全培训训练视频教程,时长:31小时30分,大小:20 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Unreal Engine 4,附源文件,作者:Ben Tristem,共222个章节,语言:英语。人人素材分享

Unreal Engine 4虚幻游戏引擎是一款商业性的3D游戏开发引擎,是Epic数百位工程师、艺术家以及设计师的心血之作。不过这还只是开始,在C++代码中,你可以看到很多创新之处,比如支持Oculus VR、Linux系统、Valve公司的Steamworks和 Steam Box效果,并且可以使用HTML5在网页浏览器中开发游戏。虚幻引擎4基于DirectX 11,拥有新的材料流水线、蓝图视觉化脚本、直观蓝图调试、内容浏览器、人物动画、Matinee影院级工具集、全新地形和植被、后期处理效果、热重载(Hot Reload)、模拟与沉浸式视角、即时游戏预览、AI人工智能、音频、中间件集成等一系列全新特性。

Unreal Engine虚幻游戏引擎参与制作游戏有:《逃生》、《DMC鬼泣》、《死侍》、《失落的星球3》、《生化奇兵:无限》、《羞辱》、《战争机器:审判》、《杀手已死》、《勿忘我》、《Papa & Yo》、《忍者神龟:脱颖而出》等等。



Unreal Engine中C++开发制作游戏完全培训训练视频教程 Unreal Engine中C++开发制作游戏完全培训训练视频教程 Unreal Engine中C++开发制作游戏完全培训训练视频教程 Unreal Engine中C++开发制作游戏完全培训训练视频教程 Unreal Engine中C++开发制作游戏完全培训训练视频教程 Unreal Engine中C++开发制作游戏完全培训训练视频教程 Unreal Engine中C++开发制作游戏完全培训训练视频教程 Unreal Engine中C++开发制作游戏完全培训训练视频教程 Unreal Engine中C++开发制作游戏完全培训训练视频教程 Unreal Engine中C++开发制作游戏完全培训训练视频教程

This “critically-acclaimed” and “insanely successful” Unreal Engine course was created in collaboration with Epic Games.
The course has been fully updated and remastered to Unreal Engine 4.22+. Existing students get all the new material for free.
Get plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (nearly 20k), in our own TA-curated Community (17k views/day), and our student chat group (10k live at any one time).
This course started as a runaway success on Kickstarter. Get involved now, and get access to all future content as it’s added. The final course will be over 50 hours of content and 300+ lectures.
Learn how to create and mod video games using Unreal Engine 4, even if you’re a complete beginner. Unreal is a free-to-use game development engine used by AAA studios and indie developers worldwide. It can be a complex beast to get into, but we break it down step-by-step
Already know Unreal and want to learn VR or Multiplayer? Check out our other Unreal courses, just look for the green leaf for our other world-class Unreal courses.
We start super simple so you need no prior experience of Unreal or coding! With our online tutorials, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve. We believe project-based learning is the best way to learn Unreal Engine.
Benefit from our world-class support from both other students, and the instructors who are on the forums regularly. Go on to build several games including a tank game, and a First Person Shooter.
You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss topics on a course-wide basis, or down to the individual video. Our thriving discussion forum will help you learn and share ideas with other students.
You will learn C++, the powerful industry-standard language from scratch. By the end of the course, you’ll be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more.
“Any serious game programmer needs to know C++”Jason Gregory, Lead Programmer at Naughty Dog (creators of Uncharted & The Last of Us)
Anyone who wants to learn to create games: Unreal Engine is a fantastic platform which enables you to make AAA-quality games. Furthermore, these games can be created for Windows, consoles, macOS, iOS, Android and Web from a single source!
If you’re a complete beginner, we’ll teach you all the coding and game design principles you’ll need. If you’re an artist, we’ll teach you to bring your assets to life. If you’re a coder, we’ll teach you game design principles.
What this course DOESN’T cover…
Whereas this course is already huge, we can’t possibly cover everything in that time. Here are some things we will not be covering…
– Team collaboration topics.
– Editor plugins or modifications.
– Physics engine modification.
– Multiplayer features.
Start to learn Unreal C++ now, you won’t be disappointed!




zyf710805 发表于 2021-1-4 12:21:40 | 显示全部楼层

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csder2 发表于 2021-1-4 12:57:53 | 显示全部楼层

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kamouse 发表于 2021-1-4 12:59:23 | 显示全部楼层
光魔 发表于 2021-1-4 13:05:41 | 显示全部楼层

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1437822259 发表于 2021-1-4 13:45:02 | 显示全部楼层

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onepiecehs 发表于 2021-1-4 13:45:25 | 显示全部楼层

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zyf710805 发表于 2021-1-4 13:47:43 | 显示全部楼层
袖舞风情 发表于 2021-1-4 13:49:05 | 显示全部楼层

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zylyx 发表于 2021-1-4 14:04:36 | 显示全部楼层
ljp1114 发表于 2021-1-4 14:17:21 | 显示全部楼层

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ljp1114 发表于 2021-1-4 14:17:48 | 显示全部楼层

zyf00001 发表于 2021-1-4 14:30:36 | 显示全部楼层

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msms_Fl481mXX 发表于 2021-1-4 15:05:26 | 显示全部楼层
shoujingVIP会员 永久VIP 发表于 2021-1-4 15:19:18 | 显示全部楼层

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xman2008 发表于 2021-1-4 15:19:50 | 显示全部楼层

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chashaox 发表于 2021-1-4 15:53:03 | 显示全部楼层
chashaox 发表于 2021-1-4 15:53:21 | 显示全部楼层

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yang67 发表于 2021-1-4 16:01:18 | 显示全部楼层

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暴力人品 发表于 2021-1-4 16:25:54 | 显示全部楼层

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