中文名: 多功能电脑辅助设计
英文名: IMSI TurboCAD Professional Platinum
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: v18.1专业白金版/含注册机
发行时间: 2011年
制作发行: Copyright© 2011 by IMSI/Design, LLC.
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
Use our keymaker to register the application. Activate via Telephone.
应用平台:Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
问题反馈: http://www.turbocad.com/Support/tabid/553/Default.aspx
网站链接: http://www.turbocad.com/TurboCAD/TurboCADWindows/TurboCADProPlatinum18/tabid/1867/Default.aspx
官方网站 http://www.turbocad.com
多功能的2D/3D图形设计软体,TurboCAD 是功能强大的设计软体,
TurboCAD Pro 是一套为专业人员设计的泛用型 CAD 系统,具有强大的平面制图功能及操作简易的特性。不仅能提昇您目前的工作效率,更可以您日后的应用需求,利用内涵的程式发展扩充软体功能。
由於市面上 CAD 软体价格过高、图档互换困难及专业领域图库缺乏等等的原因,以致於使用者在採购电脑辅助设计与绘图软体时面临许多问题,因此 TurboCAD 新产品的问世,正足以解决当前所遭遇到的瓶颈。
TurboCAD Pro 功能强大,具有良好的操作介面,可拖页查看,有符号库、独立的下拉菜单。可以创建完美的物件以及建筑模型,极浏览、编辑为一身,支持多种图形格式。
通用 2D/3D 设计软件,兼容包括 DXF、DWG、STEP、IGES、DGN 在内的 25 种 CAD 文件格式。
Minimum System Requirements:
* Pentium® IV Processor
* Microsoft® Windows® XP with 512 MB RAM
* Windows Vista or Windows 7 with 1024 MB RAM
* 300 MB of free hard disk space
* Super VGA (1024 x768) display
* High Color (16 bit) graphics support
* 4X DVD-ROM drive
Your experience with TurboCAD will be greatly enhanced with a newer generation, higher speed CPU, 2-4 GB RAM, and larger display resolution and graphics support.
A GPU-accelerated wireframe render mode (based on Redsdk technology from Redway3D®) requires a supported graphic processing unit (either a chip on the board, or on a video card). The latest video drivers are typically required. Newer boards with more power and VRAM generally provide greater performance. To determine if your video card or personal computer uses is likely compatible refer to your System Specifications, or contact the manufacturer of your video card and see if it uses one of the following video chipsets:
* NVIDIA chipsets
o GeForce 8 Series
o GeForce 9 Series
o GeForce GTX Series
* AMD ATI chipsets
o R600 family
o R700 family
* INTEL chipsets
o GMA 4000 family
Windows Vista and Windows 7 Aero display mode causes interference with the Redsdk GPU-accelerated display mode. If you select this option TurboCAD will turn Aero mode off for that session. It affects only the transparency of the application window border.