本AE模板是由Videohive机构出品的440多种炫酷三维卡通火焰烟雾元素特效AE模板,大小:1.95 Gb,格式:AEP ,分辨率:1920x1080 ,使用软件版本: CS5.5 - CC 2015,内附使用教程。
AE模板是由After Effects软件生成的一种工程文件,能够渲染出美轮美奂的动画特效,文件中包括音乐、图片、视频、脚本等素材。适用与宣传片、电视台、影视公司,电影电视剧等宣传与特效动画制作。
Videohive RTFX Generator + 440 FX pack 19563523
“RTFX Generator” is a set of instruments for game developers and motion designers to work with FX animations. The script gives you the mix FX-animations possibility and quickly exporting them as sprite sheets or sequences in the game easily(supports any game engines: Unity, UE etc.) Also you can generate previews for your animation packs. It will be more convenient and easier to manage your project, using the Preview generator tool. However, you can use the FX pack without After Effects skills. Pre-prendered animations allow to use all non-linear editing tools support mattes and compositing programs like Adobe Premier, Adobe After Effects, Sony Vegas, Final Cut, Edius etc.
The project consists of 3 parts:
After Effects project file with over 440 customizable FX-animations.
“RTFX generator” script contains the preview generator, mixing and export tools.
Over 440 pre-rendered FX-animations (as MOV files).
1. RTFX generator script for Mac OS and Windows(working in CC2014-CC 2017):
Preview generator
Brainstorm tool to generate mixed FX-elements
Quick export to sequence and sprite sheets
Tools to works with FX animations
2. FX animation pack:
Over 440 customizable FX-animations (AE CS5.5+ project)
Over 440 pre-rendered FX-animations( .MOV + Alpha)
Easily modify animation settings
For any resolutions(Resizable)
Video tutorials
24-30 frames per second
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i48RNgD 密码:72w2
440多种炫酷三维卡通火焰烟雾元素特效AE模板.rar (2.39 GB)
解压密码 .txt
(16 Bytes, 下载次数: 446)