[Logo演绎] 20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

抱着猫的老鼠 发表于 2015-5-5 16:40:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

本AE模板是由Videohive机构出品的20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑,Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Reveal 9601635,大小:480 MB,格式:AEP,分辨率:1920x1080,使用软件版本:After Effects CS4 - CC 2014。

Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Reveal 9601635
This is the ultimate 3D logo intro kit template, with more than 20 animations and 10 music tracks included! More than a template, it’s a kind of a 3D Animation Engine customizable within a few clicks for a stunning look intro.

With this template you can easily create an exiting 3D logo intro using one of the 20 animation presets Or create easily one of your own animation using only one powerful animation panel that control camera movement and the logo reveal style, sens and speed! And see right away the result by activating the preview mode that allow you to do very fast ram preview to adjust your animation. Then you can set your logo look, the scene light,3D flare,textured back-wall, shadows, Reflections, environment, pre-rendered flares and more in real time using other live control panels, to finally, add one of the included music track and you’re good to render!

What’s Great in this Template?
Use recorded Animation Presets: that you can load with one click (instead of opening another AE project and re-do the look customization)
Animation control panel : Easily animate a beautiful and smooth camera movement and logo reveal animation or import presets
Strapline control panel :Set the position, scale, color and transparency.
Logo Look control panel : Set size, extrude 1 and 2, bevel, luminosity, tint, texture bump, sides brightness, sides tint, shadows, back-light and more…
Wall Control Panel : set Texture bump and diffuse, color, specular…
Real 3D Flare : set position, colors, scale, intensity.
Light control panel : set color, intensity, height, distance from center, rotation
Look control panel : set contrast and brightness, activate preview mode or fast rendering mode.
More Great Features that make this template
Easy: Drag your logo, set the scene look, Choose one animation preset of the 20 included and one of the 10 music tracks then render. ,
Dynamic: The shadows, the bump texture, the bevel follows the light.
Optimized: A powerful preview mode make it easy to animate quickly.
Evolving: You can use your own texture and make easily your own animation within the animation panel witch change entirely the look.
A real Sand Box :A multi-Camera version is included where you have up to 5 cameras to edit and have an animation with multiple angle once you set the animation in each one using presets or making your own.
Cinematic: a powerful fast Depth of Field: you can set and animate the blur amount, focus distance and width.
Ready to use: 10 music track and 5 textures included.included, just customize and render, but the more you use different texture the more the look changes.
A fully detailed Video Tutorial of 65mn divided in 17 chapter so you can access only the part that you need to remind.
Adobe After Effects CS4 Project File.
Resolution: FullHD 1920×1080.
No Plugins required.
80 fast controller to make your customization easy.
65 mn of Video Tutorial divided in 17 chapter.
10 music track included
30fps so that you can render at 24, 25, or 29.97.

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re... 20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...


20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑 Videohive 3D Logo Title Intro Animation Kit Re...

20组超级三维Logo演绎AE模板合辑.rar (504.39 MB)

来自圈子: 人人AE模板小组


chenyu2015 发表于 2015-5-5 16:44:59 | 显示全部楼层

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