[特效软件] 《Boris RED5合成字幕特效软件win32/64破解版》Boris RED (x86/x64)

rrscteam 发表于 2012-6-6 12:30:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
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Boris Red是集合3D合成,字幕和效果的强大非编软件。RED拥有独立的渲染引擎,无论是2D还是3D的合成,3D动画制作,都给你提供强大的优先于业界的体验!作为Vegas的插件,它提供更大的发挥空间,让你的剪辑锦上添花。

RED 5 关键更新:
- Mac Intel 的支持
- 164 种视频滤镜
- 16 位色深
- Raster Paint 引擎
- 字幕导入支持
- OpenGL 加速支持
- 高级2D和3D合成,无限轨道
- 高质量抠像,
- 动态跟踪
- 超过110种滤镜,包括电影效果
- 高级2D3D字幕
- 矢量文字

Boris RED 3GL的新功能包括:
- OPENGL硬件加速
- 为高质量的胶片重调和动态模糊提供的Optical Flow技术
- 高级字幕动画功能,包括对角色随机动作的精确控制
- 三十多个新的过滤器,包括Lens Flare, Light Zoom, Film Grain,Wire Removal
- 优化的渲染速度和工作流程
- 与Sonic Foundry Vegas Video结合的插件
- 用Matrox Parhelia, Pinnacle Cinewave, AJA, Canopus, Media 100 cards
- 2D和3D的图表可由用户输入或有电子报表导入
- 图像扭曲和变形技术
- 3D bump贴图和景深
- 扩展的对Photoshop cs2和Illustrator cs2的支持

- After Effects
- Avid AVX 1.0
- Avid AVX 1.5
- Blade
- Edius
- Incite
- Pinnacle Liquid products
- Media 100 iFinish
- Premiere PRO
- Speed Razor
- Ulead
- Vegas Video


Boris RED (x86/x64)
Boris RED 5 is the only integrated 3D compositing, titling, and effects application to deliver unparalleled performance to video editing software from Adobe, Apple, Avid, Grass Valley, Media 100, and Sony. An indispensable tool for post-production and broadcast professionals, RED offers a wide range of features right on your NLE timeline and adds a standalone engine for effects creation and rendering.
RED integrates broadcast-quality text generators, paint, rotoscoping, a full suite of tools to create and extrude vector objects, true 3D shapes and animation, and the industry’s most comprehensive image processing filter suite.

Boris RED Key Features:
- 3D Text Tools
- Image Restoration & Retouching
- Raster and Vector Paint System
- Corner Pinning and Match Moving
- Optical Image Stabilization
- Standalone Render Engine
- Motion Tracking
- Unwanted Object Removal
- Includes all Boris FX and Graffiti Features
- Over 220 VFX Filters from Boris Continuum Complete and Final Effects Complete

Top New Features in RED 5
- User Interface and Workflow Enhancements
- Support for 64-bit Video Editing Applications
- 40+ Filters from Final Effects Complete
- High-quality Image Restoration Tools
- UpRez
- New 3D Particle Effects
- Realistic In-Camera Effects
- Stylized Effects
- Painterly Effects
- 50+ New Transition Effects

System Support Specs:
WINDOWS: XP 32, VISTA 32 & 64, WIN 7 32 & 64bit
QuickTime (32bit only): 7.6.4

Host Support:
- Adobe After Effects: CS 4
- Adobe After Effects: CS 3 & CS 5 (both WINDOWS Only)
- Adobe Premiere Pro: CS 3, CS 4
- Adobe Premiere Pro: CS 5 (WINDOWS Only)
- Apple Final Cut Pro: 7.0.3
- Avid Media Composer: 5.0.3 & 5.5.1
- Media 100 Suite: 2.0
- Sony Vegas: 11

Changes between RED 5.0.9 and RED 5.1.0 are:

New Features:

Grass Valley Edius 6:
• End to end support for native Edius 10 bit YUV
• Support for external monitors connected to the Edius breakout box.

Fixed Host Specific Issues:
Sony Vegas:
• All interlaced footage is now behaving properly.


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tujiaboy 发表于 2012-6-6 12:40:12 | 显示全部楼层
清风水月 发表于 2012-9-1 10:57:49 | 显示全部楼层
zb00zbz0 发表于 2012-10-16 23:40:19 | 显示全部楼层
感谢发布如此精彩的CG资源 《Boris RED5合成字幕特效软件win32/64破解版》Boris RED (x86/x64)
syxys 发表于 2012-10-29 21:17:45 | 显示全部楼层
感谢发布如此精彩的CG资源 《Boris RED5合成字幕特效软件win32/64破解版》Boris RED (x86/x64)
Ex-_囝_孙智斌 发表于 2014-2-7 14:37:31 | 显示全部楼层
希幔 发表于 2014-3-6 21:15:00 | 显示全部楼层

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