Unity3D是一个让你轻松创作的多平台的游戏开发工具,是一个全面整合的专业游戏引擎。 综合编辑 通过Unity简单的用户界面,你可以完成任何工作。这些为你节省了大量的时间。 图形动力 Unity对DirectX和OpenGL拥有高度优化的图形渲染管道。 资源导入 Unity支持所有主要文件格式,并能和大部分相关应用程序协同工作。 一键部署 Unity可以让你的作品在多平台呈现。 Wii的发布 Unity让业界最流行的游戏平台软件更容易开发。 iPhone发布 Unity让革命性的游戏开发降临革命性的设备。 着色器 Unity的着色器系统整合了易用性、灵活性和高性能。 地形 低端硬件亦可流畅运行广阔茂盛的植被景观。 联网 从单人游戏到全实时多人游戏。 物理特效 Unity内置的NVIDIA®hysX®物理引擎带给你生活的互动。 音频和视频 实时三维图形混合音频流、视频流。 脚本 Unity支持3种脚本语言:JavaScript,C#,Boo。 Unity资源服务器 Unity资源服务器是一个附加的包括版本控制的产品。 光影 Unity提供了具有柔和阴影与烘焙lightmaps的高度完善的光影渲染系统。 文档 Unity为你提供逐步的指导、文档和实例方案。 Unity 3D Pro 3.4.2f3 Unity - a multiplatform tool for game development, from the very beginning created to facilitate your creativity. Unity provides a comprehensive set of professional quality applications, and "quite by accident," contains the most powerful engine this side of a million dollars. Integrated editor:All actions are performed through a simple user interface, which is the result of thousands of hours of thought and careful polishing of the product. Where to stay in one click: Unity supports a wide range of platforms to run your completed project. Import resources: Unity supports all major file formats and virtually all applications for creating graphics. Graphics power: In Unity is a highly-optimized graphics Pipeline for DirectX, and for OpenGL. Shadow & Light: Soft shadows in real time and baked the irradiance map sdabrennye lights and reflections. Landscapes: Huge, dense vegetation filled landscapes that work well on low-end computers. Shaders: Shading System Unity combines ease of use, flexibility and performance. Scripts: Lightning-fast javascript and C # based on. NET with rich libraries and excellent documentation. Networking: Go to single player to multiplayer gaming in a completely real-time. Physics: Breathe life into your applications with built-in physics engine Ageia PhysX. Audio & Video: Mix of 3D graphics, real-time streaming audio and video. Documentation: We provide step by step lessons, documentation and sample project. Server resources Unity: Server resources Unity - this add-on that adds version control in Unity. Release of games for Wii: Develop for the most popular console in the industry has just become easier naaamnogo. Release of games for iPhone. 下载地址
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