1 Viole
2 Brute
3 Night the FUG
4 The Zahard Kingdom
5 FUG Yu
6 Abyssal Rachel
7 Mark XX
8 Changes
10 Stars II
11 Room of Belief [ROOM]
12 Viole Runs
13 Letter
14 Song
15 Irreplaceable Things
16 Ascension
Disc 2
1 Emblem of FUG
2 Wangan Advances
3 Urek Mazino
4 The Trustworthy Room
5 Out of Bounds
6 Rapdevil
7 The Mighty Fighter
8 Domination
9 Unexpected Proposal
10 Stagnation
11 Revenge
12 Yeon Yihwa
13 Hwa Ryun
14 Ilmar & Cassano
15 The Hand of Arlen
16 One Opportunity
17 Starting Weapon
18 Battlefront
19 Challenger
20 Suspicion
21 Dirty Trick
22 Lighthearted Layers
23 Golden Days
24 Flawed Foe
25 Silly Shenanigans