本视频教程是由FXPHD机构出品的Houdini水流特效高阶技巧视频教程,时长:11小时,大小:3 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Houdini v11,共10个章节,作者:Jonathan Gilbert,语言:英语。
本中级教程主要讲解用Houdini软件制作水流特效的方法。专家Jonathan Gilbert和John Moncrief将带领学员了解Houdini的动态操作以及不同类型的水流特效:SPH,基于Voxel和翻转的水流。有了这些知识做基础,我们尝试着将CG喷泉融入到动态背景板中。我们会学习Houdini的刚体动力学(RBD)进行碰撞检测,翻转的水流制作水流特效,DOPs Forces制作风、泡沫和喷水的特效,最后添加亮度,颜色,渲染并合成最终的图像。
Gilbert是自由VFX艺术家,使用Houdini软件超过六年。他硕士学位毕业于旧金山的艺术大学,专业是流体动画方向的3D动画和视觉特效。在那之后,他在Side Effects Software机构工作,他创建和讲授一系列烟火特效的初级和中级教程。他近期在做技术总监,刚刚制作完成电影《哈利·波特与死亡圣器2》。他近期也在旧金山艺术大学担任讲师,讲解高级Houdini知识。
Moncrief已经在视效行业工作十多年了,使用过Houdini,玛雅,3ds Max,After Effects,Shake,以及你能想到的每一个NLE。John刚刚结束在Side Effects Software机构六个月的工作,在那里他创建了一系列关于流体特效,DOPs,VOPs,等Houdini培训教程。
This intermediate (pushing advanced) level course discusses fluid effects in Houdini. Profs Jonathan Gilbert and John Moncrief will help members become familiar with Houdini’s Dynamics Operators (DOPs) and the different fluid types: SPH, Voxel-Based and FLIP fluids. With this knowledge you will endeavor in a production oriented project to integrate a cg water fountain into a live action background plate. We will explore Houdini’s Rigid Body Dynamics (RBD) for collision detection, FLIP fluids for the bulk of the water effects, DOPs Forces for wind, foam and spray using some built in shelf tools (whitecaps) and lastly, lighting, shading, rendering and compositing the final image.
Gilbert is a freelance VFX artist with over six years of Houdini experience. He graduated with his MFA in 3D Animation and Visual Effects with a concentration in fluid dynamics from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He then worked at Side Effects Software Inc. building and teaching a series of basic and intermediate Pyro Effects classes in Santa Monica. More recently, Jonathan finished working on the last Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 as a Technical Director at Gradient Effects. He also is currently a Professor at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, building and teaching Advanced Houdini.
Moncrief started working in VFX over ten years ago and has experience in Houdini, Maya, 3ds Max, After Effects, Shake, and just about every NLE you can think of. John just wrapped up 6 months working at Side Effects Software Inc. in Santa Monica where he created a library of Houdini training courses on FLIP fluids, DOPs and VOPs for industry professionals from various studios including Blizzard, Sony Entertainment and DreamWorks. He has one insane long-haired cat, horrible allergies, and is currently pursuing a Masters of Fine Art degree in Visual Effects at Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta.