本插件是关于Maxwell Render 5渲染器Maya插件V5.1.0版,大小:1.3 GB,支持Maya 2016 - 2020软件,支持Win系统,语言:英语。RRCG分享
Maxwell Render是一个进行光传输的渲染器,物理上准确的模型导出为基础的渲染引擎如发射体器,材质和摄像机等所有元素,。Maxwell Render 渲染是没有偏向的,在一个场景的每个像素所以的功能用于计算照明,Maxwell Render?完全可以捕获场景中的所有元素之间的所有光线的相互作用,和所有的照明计算采用的光谱信息和高动态范围。
基于光波理论的渲染器,包括了几乎所有主流3d软件的接口插件,包括 犀牛rhino、maya、cinima4D (c4d)、sketchup、solidworks x64、formz、archicad、lightwave、xsi、3ds max。
Maxwell Render渲染核心技术训练视频教程:
![Maxwell Render 5渲染器Maya插件V5.1.0版 Maxwell Render 5渲染器Maya插件V5.1.0版](https://www.rrcg.cn/data/attachment/forum/202005/05/210421va5ranpb5otazhvr.jpg)
![Maxwell Render 5渲染器Maya插件V5.1.0版 Maxwell Render 5渲染器Maya插件V5.1.0版](https://www.rrcg.cn/data/attachment/forum/201606/29/101719mcmmbvuy8vxuxxv5.jpg)
![Maxwell Render 5渲染器Maya插件V5.1.0版 Maxwell Render 5渲染器Maya插件V5.1.0版](https://www.rrcg.cn/data/attachment/forum/202005/07/122212v6a8xyzxgygaohoo.jpg)
Maxwell | Maya offers seamless integration, allowing you to work comfortably within the Maya interface. This product has been specifically designed for rendering in Maya with a simple yet comprehensive Maxwell toolbar. It brings you advanced Maxwell Render technology in a simple, self-contained package.
Maxwell is all about quality. Period. This has been our sacred mantra for most than 15 years of development. Our secret sauce is a physically-correct unbiased spectral engine, which produces not only beautiful images but also lighting-accurate simulations. In fact, Maxwell is considered the ground-truth in rendering and CGI production. We strive to inspire others, and you inspire us.
If you have ever heard that Maxwell is slow…well, it was. Our commitment to developing the most accurate render engine on the market wasn’t negotiable. The story has changed in Maxwell 5. A fully rewritten multi-GPU core now delivers final results in minutes and accurate previews in seconds, keeping physical accuracy intact. With multiple GPUs working in parallel you’ll get an unprecedented Maxwell experience. With Maxwell 5, time is now in your hands.
The new Cloud Render service allows you to access the most powerful machines available in the cloud (up to 96 cores) speeding up the render process and thus improving your productivity. Cloud render jobs can be easily dispatched from Maxwell Studio and the plugins, freeing the local computer from high CPU loads. Cloud Render helps you optimize your time and resources more efficiently.
Maxwell 5 is seamlessly integrated in most of the major 3D/CAD software solutions such as Rhino, SketchUp, Autodesk Maya, Autodesk 3ds Max, Revit, ArchiCAD, Cinema 4D and formZ. As an alternative, the standalone Maxwell Studio offers an independent production/rendering environment to create, edit and render Maxwell scenes. Render nodes and network tools for advanced deployments are included. Maxwell is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux.
Maxwell Render渲染核心技术训练视频教程: