本资源是关于100组大师级Octane纹理贴图合集,大小:300 MB,格式:lib4d,包含100组大师级Octane纹理贴图文件,使用软件:C4D,Octane,供广大设计师学习使用。
I’m excited to again team up with my friend Alessandro from Renderking to offer the Octane Texture Pack 3: Procedural Edition! It has 100 incredibly detailed and 100% procedural textures. We gave ourselves the challenge of making every texture procedural so there are zero bitmaps or image textures! This means you can scale everything without limit and everything is customizeable. The textures are all set up to be seamless and tileable and most are prepared utilizing Triplanar Mapping so everything is simple for you to use. Every texture has smudges, dirt, flecks and subtle variations to make them incredibly realistic.