本合辑是关于Lockheed Martin Prepar3D飞行模拟虚拟现实VR软件V4.3.29.25520版,大小:25 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:多语言。
全球安防和航空航天公司洛克希德马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)最近更新了其旗舰模拟和培训软件解决方案 Prepar3D第四版 ,增加了性能改进,全面重新设计的用户界面和虚拟现实(VR)增强功能。
利用64位架构提供逼真的视觉效果,新版本的Prepar3D具有主要的视觉升级功能,包括新的现实照明系统,3D天气,40个高精细城市和全球24,900多个机场。对于这个版本,洛克希德支持21款新的默认设备,如洛克希德马丁F-35A、F-22猛禽、MH-60黑鹰、Fury 1500、Beechcraft Baron 58和Neptune潜水器等等。
在改进的VR支持方面, Prepar3D 功能更新了Oculus Rift和HTC Vive的本机支持。
Adam Breed Prepar3D工程项目经理说:“我们对Prepar3D v4完全转换为64位非常激动,因此用户可以充分运用这个系统的全部功能。版本推动了课件培训和开发,包括对性能的巨大改进,图形保真度以及在全球范围内同时模拟实体的数量。”
The next update for Prepar3D v4 is here! Prepar3D v4.3 takes simulation to the next level offering new features including interactive panel windows in virtual reality (VR), improved scenery dynamic lighting performance, several new C-130 user-selectable aircraft, as well as numerous user interface (UI) enhancements, various stability and performance improvements, multiple bug fixes, and much more. In addition to the numerous core features and enhancements, Prepar3D’s open development architecure keeps expanding with multiple new updates to the Software Development Kit (SDK). Developers have even more power and freedom to create new and exciting content blurring the lines between simulation and reality. Additional tools are available including the ability to place windows and panels in 3D space, improved scenery placement accuracy, as well as multiple new services, functions, and callbacks with even more robust error reporting and handling.
The Professional Plus version also features many updates including basic support for Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) version 3.3 and 4 along with numerous improvements to the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) interface. Multiple improvements have also been made to SimDirector, Prepar3D’s built-in advanced scenario creation tool, including AI enhancements, trigger and validation improvements, greater stability, and improved usability.