本教程是关于Animate超炫动漫角色动画实例制作视频教程,时长:5小时,大小:3.5 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Adobe Animate CC,Photoshop,作者:Howard Wimshurst,共12个章节,语言:英语。人人素材整理发布。
Animate CC 由原Adobe FlashProfessional CC 更名得来,维持原有 Flash 开发工具支持外新增 HTML 5 创作工具,为网页开发者提供更适应现有网页应用的音频、图片、视频、动画等创作支持。 Animate CC将拥有大量的新特性,特别是在继续支持Flash SWF、AIR格式的同时,还会支持HTML5Canvas、WebGL,并能通过可扩展架构去支持包括SVG在内的几乎任何动画格式。
In this tutorial course, I teach the fundamentals of what you need to know to animate debris and Yutapon cubes in an Anime style. This includes a break down of famous anime scenes as well as studying real-world video reference of destruction. From there, I apply those observations (with my own developed methodology) to a scene where where I take you through how to animate a destruction scene step by step.
Over FIVE hours of video content!
FLA Source file included! (compatible with CS6, CC and Animate)
Can be downloaded and/or streamed online
Worth over $500 in standard tuition fees
By the end of the course, you will have all of the knowledge and special techniques to animate your own explosion debris, including Anime style Yutapon cubes and dust FX.
A One-time payment, you get instant access to all 12 lessons forever, to stream online or to download and watch whenever you like!