3DVIA Composer
3DVIA Composer 是一款易于使用的软件,与产品开发相关的任何人员都可以使用该软件从现有的三维模型快速创作产品图形和动画 — 无论是用于装配说明丶营销辅助材料丶技术示意图丶交互动画,还是用于培训材料。
文档制作一直是耗费工程师大量时间的任务。使用 3DVIA Composer,销售丶营销和制造领域的人员将能够在设计过程中尽早创作所需的插图和动画。
现在,公司的设计和文档制作可以同步进行。通过 3DVIA Composer,没有CAD 背景的人员也可以直接访问设计文件,并准确选用他们所需的插图 — 无论是用于宣传册的照片级逼真图像还是一组装配说明的爆炸视图。
通过简单地单击几下鼠标,3DVIA Composer 就可以创建可扩展的矢量图形,并可以使用选项来控制外部边线的粗细丶零部件颜色丶阴影丶零件序号丶零件清单和图纸空间。生成用于销售演示和网站的动画同样非常简单。
如果允许公司中的每个人都从事他们最擅长的工作,那么这样的公司就会成功。使用 3DVIA Composer,您可以通过一个简化的操作实现该愿望,帮助您保证按时交付产品(及其所有附属文档和视频),更快地投放市场。
由于 3DVIA Composer 的用户界面非常简单丶直观,因此可以显着缩短学习时间。我们的详细培训材料丶在线指导教程和用户论坛可帮助您即刻开始发布专业手册和演示。
利用 3DVIA Composer 的用户友好界面,最终用户能够在抓取所需图像之前查看各种图像,从爆炸视图到增量零部件,以及旋转或放大。这节省了对每个产品版本拍摄数字照片的费用,还减少了纸张浪费。生成图像多文字少的文档还可以显着减少本地化成本。
节省时间就是赚钱。对于工程师而言,使用 3DVIA Composer 意味着减少了花费在特定工作上的时间,从而可以将更多的时间集中于创新。对于营销经理和制造主管而言,这意味着可以立即访问所需的产品信息,并能够创作一套图形生动丶内容准确丶图文并茂的材料。对于财务而言,在整个企业中使用标准化三维平台意味着显着地提高投资回报。
使用 3DVIA Composer 可以创作下列材料:
• 装配/ 拆卸说明
• 技术图解
• 交互动画
• 用户手册
• 零件目录
• 现场服务手册
• 基于 Web 的目录
3DVIA Composer is the leading solution for creating highly effective product communications across all manufacturing industries. In V6R2013, users gain access to new features and enhancements that help improve workflows, illustrate procedural operations, and help maintain geometric integrity when authoring 2D and 3D product experiences.
- New Image Library Workshop: The 3DVIA Composer V6R2013 Image Library workshop contains a collection of tool and action-oriented images that users can simply drag and drop into the viewport as image 2D panels. Image Library images can be used to enhance 3DVIA Composer experiences; for example using screwdriver images to depict assembly and disassembly operations. Using the Image Library provides users with the ability to work more efficiently and communicate more consistently with an easily accessible set of standardized images. For those wishing to include additional image 2D panels in their 3DVIA Composer applications, the Image Library also allows users to navigate through folders to access locally stored content.
- Quick Magnetic Line Alignment: The 3DVIA Composer magnetic line tool makes it possible for users to easily align collaborative actors such as callouts and images. In V6R2013, the magnetic line has been enhanced with an alignment button that that allows users to more quickly align with an alignment access, further streamlining the content creation process.
- Advanced Curves Detection: Increase the precision of radius measurements and improve detection for models with very high tessellation.
- Disable Document Property and Application Preference Modifications: Administrators can now restrict which document properties and application preferences team members can modify by disabling (making read-only) Document Properties, Default Document Properties, and Application Preferences pages. As a result, administrators gain precision control on deployments of 3DVIA Composer, helping to prevent inadvertent changes to approved settings.
For more information, download the 3DVIA Composer V6R2013x Fact Sheet.
About Dassault Systemes
Dassault Systemes, the 3D Experience Company, provides business and people with virtual universes to imagine sustainable innovations. Its world-leading 3D design software, 3D Digital Mock-Up and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions transform the way products are designed, produced, and supported.
Dassault Systemes’ collaborative solutions foster social innovation, expanding possibilities for the virtual world to improve the real world. The group brings value to over 150,000 customers of all sizes, in all industries around the globe.